Odds and Ends

Monday wasn't so bad. Work was fine. The weather wasn't too bad but it was a little chilly and windy. I can deal with that. It's the other things on my mind that I can't seem to purge.

I'm still in a funk about the election. I had a great IM conversation last night with BMW. We talked all about politics and religion. He told me to get over my funk. I'm trying! He also led me to a few sites that could help. There are some grassroots democratic groups out there having meetings to get a start on things we can do. I gave him my zip code and he was able to tell me there was a group meeting right in my area. I will definitely check out the group and see if it's something I'm motivated enough to join. If you care to find a group in your area go to Meet Up and see if there is a group in your area. When you go to the site search for Democracy For America. There probably is a group forming in your area (you can also search for all kinds of groups on that site). I didn't read too much about it but I think this grew out of the Howard Dean campaign. He was my first choice back in the day but of course things change.

Also, I might get one of these black “Not Me” bracelets from the Not Me Campaign. I'm not a bracelet wearing kind of guy but this one I might consider wearing just to show my disgust with the whole election.

On another note, I had a great cry last night. Mike over at Mezzanine wrote about Extreme Makeover: Home Edition today. I couldn't agree with him more. I watched that two our edition last night and cried like a baby. That young 14 year old boy, who was basically translating for his family, was just amazing. I feel for that boy. He's so mature for being so young. Anyway, having a good cry watching this show felt so good. I might have been crying for the election but I was feeling the emotion from that show. I love that show. If you haven't watched it to see how it can tug at your heart strings, you should. Watch it especially if you need a good cry. It's worth it.

Feel Better

1. Open a new file in your PC.

2. Name it “George W Bush.”

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you, “do you really want to get rid of George W Bush?”

6. Answer calmly, “yes,” and press the mouse button firmly.

7. Feel better?

Of course this doesn't work on a Mac.

Night Photo

I simply could not continue writing about my election depression. My camera was sitting on my desk ready for tomorrow’s shoot with a new model so I decided to play with the night feature. I went out on the balcony, set the camera up on the tripod and took a few shots. I think this one is the best. You can definitely see the two types of lighting the apartment buildings use. The incandescent lights create an orange glow while the florescent lighting casts a green glow. Interesting. I was surprised that the camera was able to focus so well with such little light. This camera always amazes me. Discovering new features took my mind off the election for awhile. Plus, I continue to read the rants on other blogs.

Rainy Day

It has rained for about 12 hours today. It's been dark and rainy and that just about sums up my mood today. I just don't feel like discussing the election anymore. I'm just sick and I need time to get over it. Most of the blogs I read daily had written something about their reaction to the election. They did a much better job articulating the general feeling. I won't rehash it again. I'll just say that I am still upset about it. This frustration and sick feeling may transform into action in the future. I might have to do something to make myself feel better. Whether it's joining a local democratic group to help in some way or it's completely ignoring and avoiding all republicans, I'm not sure. I just know that something will have to happen to make me feel better.

Bleak Outlook

The only highlight from yesterday was getting a call from Homer. He always brightens my day.

I stayed up until 1:00 AM watching the returns. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I had to go to sleep. It was a restless 4 hours. I woke up at 5:00 AM to see nothing had changed. All the networks were saying how Kerry would have to concede. That there was no way he could get Ohio. I knew the end was near. I felt sick. I felt beat up.

All day today I avoided my republican colleagues. One tried to talk to me and I simply told her I could not speak to her. I feel at this point I can't be friends with someone who would put that man in the White House for another four years. I can't talk to, relate to someone who feels the exact opposite I do on so many issues. I fear I will alienate many republican colleagues. So be it. I will be professional when I need to be but there will be no social contact with these people. I simply can't do it.

I'm disgusted with the American people. They have made it clear that bigotry and hate are the norms and they have backed a man who will change the rest of my life. Not only will I have to put up with it for the next four years but for the rest of my life. He will be the man who changes the Supreme Court. He will make it virtually impossible for a man to love another man and enjoy the freedoms he reserves for himself. He is the one who made it possible for 10 states to completely ban gay marriage or civil unions. I fear he will also make it possible to overturn Roe V. Wade.

Our country is going backwards. The uneducated, religious right is taking over. Exit polls show that 78% of voters admitted they voted for moral issues. We are doomed. Discrimination and hate will rule.

When this election season began with the primaries I was dating HIM. He and I spoke then about moving to Canada when we retire. I am convinced that is what I will do. Maybe he'll be there. I have to survive 12 more years and then I can retire. If nothing changes, and I fear it won't, I'll be packing up and immigrating to Canada. I'll be old and I'll probably be single, but I won't have to fear loving another man and having the entire country hate me for doing so.

Today I found myself trying to figure out how so many people in our country can be so ignorant. This was THE most important election of our lifetime. We lost. Our lives are changed forever. Those stupid, religious right, mid westerners from the heartland fucked us over good.

We will be attacked again. We will have a deficit so large, we'll never get out from under it. We will continue to be hated by the world. Laws will be changed to allow and accept hate and discrimination. It is sad. I'm embarrassed to be an American.