Weird E-Mail

Yesterday I got a weird e-mail. When I first check my e-mail I always look to see who it’s from before clicking it open. I saw this address ( and didn’t know who it was so I thought it was junk mail. I clicked on it anyway and this is what I saw:

Now, I see this and I can’t figure out what it means. I don’t know the people in the photo. I don’t recognize the house or rooms. I don’t know why on earth this person would send me this picture. There was no message or anything with the picture. Just the picture. I can’t for the life of me figure this out. Can anyone tell me what this photo means? What are they trying to say sending this to me? I sent a message back asking those same questions but of course I didn’t get a reply. I just don’t get it.

Book Time

Last night I finished reading So Hard To Say by Alex Sanchez. As with his other books, I enjoyed this one as well. It’s about a middle school boy who realizes he’s gay. At the same time he meets a girl and she assumes they are together. She doesn’t take it well. Each chapter of the book is told by one of the two main characters. You read their feelings and opinions. I enjoyed that part. You are able to see two sides of an issue and how each felt about it. The only thing I didn’t care for was the amount of spanish used in the book. The author would often say things in spanish and not always tell you want it means in english. That was a bit frustrating when I couldn’t figure it out from the rest of the paragraph. I would recommend this book as a quick read. Especially if you experienced realizing you were gay in middle school. You can relate to the character’s feelings. I also think this would be a good book for middle school kids or even young high school kids. It deals with some bullying issues and name calling and how they deal with it. It’s also written to their level I believe.

Next up is The Deal by Timothy Lambert and Becky Cochrane. I’ve already heard some good things about this book and it’s been recommended by a fellow blogger (Joela) as well. He’s got several sites and has recommended several books for me to read. I’m looking forward to getting into the story.

From the Barnes and Noble site:

New Year’s Eve, 1999. Millennium celebrations light up the sky from Sydney to Seattle. But in the Houston living room of Aaron Fisher, the fireworks have fizzled! A gathering with his closest friends has devolved into a depressing deconstruction of the sad state of all of their love lives. Fed up with the moaning, Aaron comes up with The Deal: They all have until next New Year’s Eve to find true love or stop whining about it.

The ensuing 12 months will answer many questions: Will Patrick, Aaron’s straight roommate be able to ride the waves as his girlfriend, Vivian, decides whether she is Betty Crocker or Betty Friedan? Having embraced her lesbianism (and turned her back on her trust fund,) will Miranda stop sucking the life out of every romance? Will Alexander stop dabbling with men’s hearts the way he dabbles in music and his parents’ bank account? And will Aaron keep his end of the deal when the truth is he’s happy with a life of bar buddies, gym buddies and bed buddies?

It’s a year of surprises for all of them, as they take on unfaithful husbands, vindictive rumormongers, well-intentioned stalkers, pixie drummers who write bad poetry and marauding palmetto bugs. But most of all, they will discover much about themselves through the surprising, touching and hilarious revelations produced by a year of exploring the nature of love.

Of course I’ll write up a review with I’m finished with it. I already know I’ll have a positive review. It really sounds like something I’ll enjoy reading. I plan on starting it tonight when I go to bed. I always read a good 30 minutes before actually falling asleep. That’s the best time for me to get lost in a book. I think lots of people do that as well.

Bumper Sticker

I haven't been political on my blog in awhile but man, every time I see a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on the back of a big, honkin SUV I just want to slam my foot on the gas pedal and ram my little SUV up their ass. Bush is such an idiot. I can't wait for him to loose in a few weeks. I hope he looses big time!

Although, I love the bumper sticker that says, “Mean people suck and nice people swallow”.

Columbus Day

It was nice to have a day off today. I think I did a good job celebrating Columbus Day. I thought for one minute about how he didn’t discover North America. I think he landed in San Salvador in the Bahamas.

I only woke up once last night so that wasn’t bad. I’m feeling much better today. My voice sounds like I’m sick but I don’t feel as bad as I sound. I think I’ll be able to go to work with no problem tomorrow. Today I talked on the phone with David, finished some work I brought home to complete, watched some TV, and read a good chunk of the book I’m currently reading. I should have a review by the end of the week.

I was saddened to hear Christopher Reeve died yesterday. I remember seeing Superman when it first came out and totally being in love with him. He had such a great body then. I didn’t care for the rest of the Superman movies but that first one did it for me. I was in love with him….well, his body I guess. Ah, I’m gay, what can I say. He’ll be missed.



It’s amazing the amount of mucus your body produces when you are sick. My nose has been producing more mucus then I can keep up with. My nose is either stuffed up or it’s running like a faucet. I didn’t sleep very well last night. I was up to either blow my nose or pee all night. This morning I went to Target and stocked up on cold medicine to deal with the symptoms while this cold runs it’s course. At this point in the day I’m feeling better. The headache is gone thanks to asprin. The cough has subsided considerably. I’m pretty much just dealing with the nose and all the mucus it continues to produce. I haven’t been very hungry today and I think it’s due to the amount of mucus running down my throat and coating my stomach fooling my brain into thinking that I don’t need food. Therefore, I haven’t been eating much all day. Not the best way to drop a few pounds. Thank goodness this is a three day weekend. I have one more day to get close to normal before going back to work. I hate to take days off from work so I’m glad I’ll be able to sleep late again tomorrow.

Of course I’ve been a slug all day. Between laying on the couch watching TV, blowing my nose, and sleeping, I’ve had time to completely rework my photo galleries. The main photo page is the same but once you click on one of the galleries you are taken to a new page with navigation buttons and thumbnails of all the photos in the library. Again, a big thanks to Patrick for introducing me to a little plugin for iPhoto that lets you export and create photo galleries right through iPhoto. I spent most of the day reworking my photo galleries. I added some pictures to existing libraries. I was also able to work with the CSS to use my site colors. The header isn’t the same as my regular web site pages but the colors are there. I think it looks pretty good.

Now I’m off to lay on the couch some more. I might do some reading since it seems there isn’t anything worth watching on TV tonight.