Guess The Movie

I watched a movie this weekend that reminded me of spending time with him last summer. Several things reminded me of him this week but I'm not going to write about them. Instead, I'm going to give you two quotes from the movie I saw this weekend and have you guess what movie the lines are from. It might be a difficult task but then again there may be some of you who really liked this movie and might know the lines.

Quote Number One:

“Would you get me a glass of water and some aspirin?”

“Why? Do you have a headache?”

“No but I want to avoid one.”

Quote Number Two:

“Sometimes I feel a body in bed next to me like an amputee feels a limb that isn't there.”

Can you guess what movie these lines are from? A G-mail account for anyone who comes up with the answer.


Sometimes I am consumed with anticipation. It takes over so much of my brain power and creates frustration. I can’t stand it sometimes.

I am currently anticipating the arrival of my new iMac G5. I ordered it on August 31st. The web site said it would be here in 3 weeks. It’s been 3 weeks today. Now the web site is saying it will be delivered on or before September 29th. Argh! I want it today! I want it now! Last week I got the Airport Express so that I could go wireless with my internet connection. I’m using it now with my old iMac but it’s not as fast as it will be with my new iMac because the old iMac has the old airport card and the new one will have the new airport card that will deliver data rates up to 54 megabits per second. I’ve used it with my lap top and it’s very fast. I want that speed with my desk top NOW! The anticipation is killing me!

Recently I received book recommendations from some fellow bloggers and gay fiction lovers. I ordered these books and they came in today. I just started a new book and can’t wait to finish it so that I can start these books. I heard some really good things about the first two. I have to be patient and finish the current book before getting into another book. I know some people can read two or three books at a time. I have tried that in the past and it was unsuccessful. I wish I could juggle it so that I could get into these stories. Again, the anticipation is killing me!

The anticipation of finding love is also consuming me. I think about it too much probably. People tell me that when you are least expecting it or not looking for it, it will come along. I’m not sure I believe that. It’s so elusive. In my process of getting over him, I’ve been on a few dates and met a few guys but none of them have panned out. I’ve been proactive and asked guys out and talked to guys in bars and online. But nothing is coming from my efforts. My good friend David is kind of dating a guy. I’m very happy for him. As I mentioned in the past, it seems that when David finds a new interest, I don’t. I need to be patient. But it’s so hard.

The anticipation is killing me!

One Way Friends

You know who they are. Everyone's got a friend like this in their life. Their behavior is predictable. They usually call you from their cell phones. And usually while they are on their way home from work or to or from an appointment. They only have a few minutes to talk. And they talk exclusively about themselves. They tell you every minuet detail of something that happened to them. They tell you everything that's going on in their life. You could hold the phone away for 15 minutes and never say a word. And the worst part is when you get ready to start telling them about what's going on in your life, they have to hang up because they've reached their destination. Or they have another call. Someone more important then you. It's very rude.

These are the kind of people who usually only want to get together when they need help of some kind. They need your help to move a couch or something. Do they offer to help you, if ever needed? Nope, they are only thinking of themselves. The world revolves around them. They do send you birthday cards though. So they at least have you programed into their computer calendar that reminds them of your birthday a few days before hand. I guess that says something.

But the question is, why do we put up with this from these friends? Why do we keep them in our circle of friends? Maybe it's because they invite you to fabulous gay parties where you might meet the man of your dreams. Maybe they are fun to be around when you get the chance to just hang out with them. You like their humor? You like their politics? You like their boyfriends? Maybe you have very few friends and if you cut them off, your circle will be too tight. Who knows the real reasons why we keep them around but we do.

Book Time

I have had this book, The Salt Point by Paul Russell, sitting on my night stand since July 15th. I started reading it and got about 100 pages into the book and then put it down. I went on vacation and took the book with me but did not read it. Every night before going to sleep I’d see that book sitting there waiting for me to finish it. The past week I read a few pages each night determined to finish this book. I finally did last night.

“From the award-winning author of The Coming Storm comes the brilliantly conceived and precisely rendered novel The Salt Point, which explores the lives of four people-Anatole, Leigh, Chris, and Lydia-and their intermingled and unwinding desires. Set in a Poughkeepsie mall, the Main Street to a new generation, the novel follows these characters as they achieve their oddly triumphant lives redolent with loss and hope, humor and sadness, union and alienation. As promises are diminished and futures are abandoned, all four are hurtled toward that place in which everything is transmuted-the salt point.”

I had such a hard time getting into this story. It kept jumping from character to character. The story wasn’t all that complicated and was a good story but the way it was put together just bothered me. I couldn’t keep up with where we were in the story with all the jumping. Once I started reading it again, I was able to keep up and follow the lives of these people. I did like how it took place in the ’80s. The author noted songs from the ’80s and styles from the ’80s that I could relate to. I won’t give the ending but I will say that I didn’t like it. I understand why he ended it the way he did, I just didn’t like it.

I’ve read other books by Paul Russell and still have one more on my stack to read but this one won’t be one that I’d recommend to others. I’d say pick up War Against The Animals. It’s much better.

Next up is Belmondo Style by Adam Berlin.

From the publisher:

“Jared Chiziver is a single father and professional pickpocket, devotee of Jean-Paul Belmondo and foreign films, and a suave ladies’ man. His son, Ben, is sixteen, a bookish semi-introvert, a star on his school’s track team, college bound, and gay. Their unusual but quiet and affectionate life in New York City’s Greenwich Village is ripped asunder by two singular events. First, Jared finally meets “the one,” Anna, a photographer of criminals and death scenes – a woman he finds endlessly engaging. Second, in response to a brutal attack upon his son, Jared breaks his own cardinal rule and commits the big crime, the one that draws the unflinching attention of the police. The only response possible to these events is to leave New York one step ahead of the authorities and embark upon a journey of both escape and discovery that will irrevocably change their lives.”

This doesn’t sound like the books I’m used to reading but it’s got a gay character and that’s the main point to all the books I read. It sounds too mystery, crime, suspence like for my tastes but I’m going to give it a try and see if I like it. I won’t take as long to read this one as I did the last one I’m sure. I’m going to make myself read more often now. And of course I’ll write about it when I’m done reading it.

Helping A Friend

Today I helped my friend Michael move his office. He works out of his house. He recently bought a new house and is moving this week. So that he isn't out of touch with his business during the move, I helped him move his entire office today. It actually isn't that big. It's just that he had so many boxes packed for such a small office. We must have moved 10 to 15 boxes of just files. It might be time to purge some of those old files.

Anyway, I got there about 10:00 and luckily he had everything packed up and ready to go. That is unusual for him. Usually we'd have to pack everything up before moving him. I was glad he thought ahead and had everything ready to go. It was windy and rainy on my way over there but by the time we were ready to pack up the cars the rain had mostly stopped and it was just windy. We packed up his SUV and mine and drove on down to his new place. His new place is way down on RT 1, which for those of you who aren't from the DC area, is a good distance from DC. It's way outside the beltway and well into the suburbs. I wouldn't move that far but he doesn't have a problem with it. He drives all over the area anyway for his job so it's no big deal to him. He asked me how often I think I'll visit. I told him probably not too often.

He bought this house from a friend of his who is moving to Florida to open a bed and breakfast with his partner. This guy's partner is GORGEOUS! He's got a perfect body, beautiful face, and from what I gathered in the short time I talked with him, a nice personality. I fear though that he'd be the kinda guy who would blow you off if you tried to talk to him at JRs. I don't know if it's a term, but I'd call him a Power Gay. You know the type. Perfect body, works out all the time, perfect looks, high paying job, great life all around. Power Gay.

I didn't mean to change the subject there. Anyway, the move went well and I was home this afternoon by 4:00. Now I'm doing laundry and watching TV. No plans to go out tonight. A little me time tonight. I plan to finish my book tonight and start a new one. I'll have a book review tomorrow, I'm sure.