I've had a great Labor Day weekend. Met some nice guys, had some great fun but it's back to work tomorrow. Tomorrow starts my 18th year teaching. All last week I set up my classroom, did tons of paperwork, and had lots of meetings. Friday I met most of the kids in my class and they seem like they'll be okay this year. I'm always nervous on the first day of school and I have to remember that the students will be too. If things get tough this year, I can remember that I only have 13 more years until retirement.
Ken invited several guys to have a cook out on his roof top deck in D.C. this afternoon. I got there a little after 3:00 and the guy he's dating, N, was walking up the same time I was. Nice guy with a nice body. Shortly after that R and R showed up. Again, nice guys. Then M came. Another nice guy. Ken made us all raspberry martinis and ran out of vodka. I called David who hadn't left VA yet. We were hoping he'd be able to run by a liquor store to pick up some more vodka. Luckily he was able to get to an ABC store with just a few minutes to spare. Virginia recently changed their liquor laws so the liquor stores are open on Sundays.
We all took our drinks up to the roof, enjoyed the view and the conversation. Ken is quite the host(ess). He had two coolers filled with beer and Smirnoff Ice (my current favorite drink). He had brightly colored plates with matching knives, forks, and spoons. His deck is nicely landscaped with plants, flowers, and small trees. He's also got a killer grill on the roof. After a few drinks, I helped Ken bring the food up to the deck and he started cooking. He had BBQ chicken, burgers, and dogs. I love the smell of burgers cooking on the grill. He also made potato salad and an apple cobler (I think) for dessert.
Just as the food was about ready, David arrived with the vodka. That made everyone happy. M decided to make a pitcher of martinis for everyone. This time they were some concoction of cranberry or something. They were a little strong but Ken discovered that if you throw in a splash of diet sprite in, it cuts the bite of the vodka. They weren't too bad. I was having those and a Smirnoff Ice. We then all had some delicious food and enjoyed more conversation. We talked about books, movies, politics, sex, dating, men, and all kinds of things. It was a lot fun talking to these guys, being silly, and getting to know them a little more. I enjoyed it.
Around 8:00, R and R decided to go and David followed. David had a date with a hottie and another party to go to. So they left. Ken, N, M, and I stayed on the roof a little longer talking. It was getting dark and there was a light sprinkle in the air. We decided to move down stairs to the TV room. We watched an episode of Queer Eye. I was getting tired so I decided to call it a night. M did as well. I offered to give M a ride home and he accepted. He just lives across the river in Arlington so it was on my way home. We had a nice little chat on the drive over to his place. I dropped him off near his building and we said our goodbyes. He's a nice guy. Very soft spoken. Very sensitive.
I'm not sure if I thanked Ken for having us all over so THANK YOU Ken! I had a great time and really enjoyed meeting all the guys who were there. Ken has been very good about helping me expand my circle of friends. Now it's late and I'm off to bed. I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight.
A Night Out
Ken invited David and me out for dinner and drinks last night. We met up at Ken's place in D.C. We had apple martinis on Ken's rooftop deck while enjoying the beautiful view of the Dupont Circle area. After a drink we walked over to Dupont Italian Kitchen and had pizza. While sitting there, we watched all the pretty boys and hunky men walk up and down the 17th St. That's always fun. We talked about the outfits and the way they walked. We then went upstairs to the bar and had a drink. Fridays must be bear night at Widows because there were lots of big, hairy guys there. There were a few guys who were my type but mostly the place was filled with big, hairy guys. After one drink there, we decided to head over to JR's to check out the scenery. That's were the fun really began.
We walked into JR's and merged our way through the throngs of 30 somethings standing around looking at every man who walks through the door. We headed to the bar and got our first round of drinks. Then we worked our way to the back of the bar and, like everyone else, stood around talking and looking at all the other guys. One guy who was standing behind us was very attractive. I commented how he looked very much like Ben Affleck. Before we got to JR's I had already had 3 drinks so my confidence was pretty high. Of course Ken and David were encouraging me to step up and say something. I didn't. Then the guy (now known as Ben) walked away. We then decided to head to the front of the bar. On the way there, we passed Ben and as we did, I spoke to him. I kept walking as I said, “You look like Ben Affleck”. He smiled and said thanks.
We then planted ourselves at the front of the bar. David talked with some guys he knew and Ken waved to guys he knew. Then I actually saw someone I knew. The guy looked familiar and then I remembered that I had scanned some photos for him years ago before scanners were as common as printers. I was attracted to the guy then and he might have found me mildly attractive except for my smoking. Anyway, Ken gave me a dollar to approach him. I did. I asked if he lived where I thought he did and he said yes. Then I chatted with him a few minutes and reminded him of how we knew each other. He remembered. I didn't want to bother him because he was with other people so I told him to say hi sometime if he sees me online. He said he would. We'll see. Several times the rest of the evening we made eye contact. But nothing else happened with him.
Then Ben worked his way to the front of the bar and was standing just a few feet from us. I kept talking to Ken and David and trying to figure out what I could say to start a conversation. Ben then moved farther away from us but still within eyeshot. I finally got the nerve to go up to him and talk to him. I asked if he hears it a lot that he looks like Ben Affleck. He said he did. Then he comes back with the lamest line. He said, “Do you come here often?” Maybe he was nervous, I don't know. But that opened up the conversation at least. Turns out he lives in Arlington, is a patent attorney and travels all over the world. We talked about our jobs, and our dating status, typical things. After a few minutes of this, he turns to me and says, “I have to go to the bathroom, nice meeting you.” And that was it. He was gone. Why would he stand there and talk to me for a good 15 minutes and then just leave? He was asking me questions like he was interesting in finding out more. I was too. No big deal though. I let it go and chalked it up to more experience in talking to strangers in bars. 🙂
We were standing around with maybe our third round of drinks when this tall, nelly, queen started giving me the eye. I ignored him the best I could. But Ken noticed it and started talking to the guy. I was just slightly tipsy and I noticed that my nipples were hard (we were standing in the flow of the AC). I mentioned it to David and Ken heard it. Then I think (I can't remember everything) Ken told the queen that my nipples were hard and he should feel them. So this queen puts his hands all over my chest starts telling his friends that my nipples were hard as rocks. I kept pulling away and laughing about it. Then the guy starts pulling at the collar of my shirt saying he wanted to see my hairy chest. Against my better judgment, I opened the first two buttons of my shirt and let him peek. Of course he shoves his hand down my shirt and starts playing with my nipples. I pulled away really fast and told him he needs to stop it. He did. I think he got the message. He left me alone after that.
It was getting late and Ken was losing his voice so we decided to go. We started walking down 17th St. towards Ken's place when he realized he didn't have his house key. It must have dropped out at one of the locations when he pulled his money out of his pocket. So we went back to the restaurant and looked around the table. No key. Then we went to the first bar and looked around. No key. We did not want to go back to JR's and search on the dark floor looking for his key with all those men standing around. But we had to. So we went back to JR's and started looking around the places we were standing and around the bar. I was not optimistic that we'd find that key. I thought we'd be pushing Ken through one of his windows we'd have to break to get into his house. But within just a few minutes, David saved the day. He found the key on the floor up against the bar. I was amazed that he saw it. So we did not have to break into Ken's house. We walked back to Ken's house, said out goodbyes and went home. Now, don't worry, I was not drunk this time. I wasn't even tipsy at this point. I drove home with no problems at all. I learned my lesson last time. 🙂
Should you have sex on a first date? If you do, will you look like a slut? And if you don't, how will you know if you are sexually compatible with the person? If you don't have sex on the first date and you wait a month or so and get to know the person, then have sex, what if you find you are not sexually compatible? Will you have just wasted your time and his? Some would say that if you don't have sex on the first date and you get to know the person and really like the person, it won't matter what the sex is like. Well, if you are very sexual person and sex is very important to you, then it would matter. Ah, the questions. What are the answers?
A Date
I have a date tonight. My work on Match.com is finally paying off. I discovered a profile I found interesting and conjured up enough nerve to write him an e-mail. It took awhile to get a reply because he was on vacation but he did reply with a very nice message. Phone calls were placed and plans were made. He sounds very nice on the phone. I'm sure we'll have a nice dinner and conversation. This is the first time I have ever asked a guy out. I usually wait for someone to ask me out. My confidence level is high. Remember, I'm being proactive here. But I haven't started registering at Crate and Barrel yet. Wish me luck!