Video Chat

Last night I had my first video chat with Patrick of The picture above is the very last second of the conversation. I told him I was going to blog about it and I wanted to capture a picture. We both looked like crap hot men (although he looked much better then I). He didn't want me to capture a picture so just at the last second he hit pause and left the screen. It was pretty funny. As you can see, I'm laughing. Anyway, it started when I was on AOL and got an IM from Patrick. He said to switch to iChat. We've been e-mailing and IMing for months but haven't connected on video yet so I did and the video came right up. It was very cool. I've had the iSight camera for quite a long time but have never used it to chat with anyone. Patrick is on the opposite side of the country from me but has become a pretty good friend in the blog world. We talk about web stuff, Mac stuff, and life in general. I consider him the iMovie guru. He creates amazing iMovies and knows how to present them so well on his web site. I love checking out his movies and catching up with what's going on in his and his partner's life with their son. Our video chat was really cool. I guess it's the first time I've “met” a blogger. Because it was real time and moving video and sound, it was like he was just in the next room. We chatted about what we were up to this summer, things we're working on, life challenges, what Nathan is up to (he had his time on camera too), and just your basic daily BS. It was a very fun chat and we'll have to do it again sometime soon. If you haven't checked out his site you should. He does amazing things with iMovie.

Patrick: after reading this, go take a shower!

Unrelated note: A long phone conversation should last 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 19 seconds.


Sometimes I can be lazy. I guess some of the things I consider being lazy others would say are just normal.

I slept until 7:00 AM today! This was the first day of my summer vacation that I haven't had something to get up early for. I actually slept until 7:00 AM. I couldn't believe it! I didn't set the alarm when I went to bed. I told myself I'd get up when I woke up. I guess I consider this lazy because during the school year I get up between 4:30 and 5:00 AM.

After having a slow start to my morning, I got moving and ran a few errands. In anticipation of my road trip later this summer, I thought I should join AAA. I'll be traveling by myself and won't know anyone along the way to call in case I have a break down or something. Not that I will break down or anything because my SUV is still relatively new. I just like to be safe and have a back up just in case. So I went to AAA and joined today. They gave me a ton of maps and books of things to stop and see along the way. I'll do more detailed planning as the time draws near. Doing this was not lazy. But when I got home I decided to just lay on the couch for a few minutes before doing other things I wanted to do. Well, I fell asleep. It was only 11:00 AM and I was already taking a nap. How lazy is that?

After the lazy nap I did get up and get some things done. My web service was back up today so I decided to spend a few hours cleaning up the files in my directory. I deleted files that were no longer used by my web site and I organized all the other files into new directories. I set up directories for each month of the year and put any and all graphics used during that month on the blog into those directories. Now they are not floating free in the main directory. When I first started the blog I had no idea that it would take up so much space once I started added photos and graphics. And I had no idea I could have so many files in the main directory. So I spent a good 3 hours doing this and updating all the links in my archive to match the new directories. This might be considered anal to some but I'm an organization freak and I just couldn't stand to see so many files just floating around in the main directory. There needed to be some logic, some organization to the whole thing. I feel so much better now. But nothing really lazy about that except that I sat on my ass for all that time. I did stop to have some pasta for lunch. Too many carbs.

So later in the afternoon when the carb high was ending I decided I should really get on the treadmill and do a few miles. I put my pedometer on this morning while running errands but only managed to rack up 3/4 of a mile. Not much walking there. So I put on my gym clothes, grabbed my book (Dress Your Family In Corduroy and Denim, which is very funny so far….snow negros…SO funny!) and headed down to the treadmill. To get a bit more of a workout this time I pressed the button a few times that raises the front of the treadmill so that you are kind of walking up hill the whole time. I usually try to walk for an hour and that takes me about 4 miles. Today though, I was sweating and breathing heavy after only two miles. Surely it was the incline creating this extra work for me. I wasn't sure if I could take much more. But I persevered and made it to 3 miles. By this time my shirt was wet and my hair was wet. Could I do any more? I really wanted to get 4 miles in. At the 3.5 mile mark I was sure I was about to die so I lowered the treadmill to the level position and slowed it down. Eventually I brought it to a crawl and ended the pain. I ended at the 3.64 mile mark. I had had enough. THAT's why I feel lazy. Surely I could have made it to 4 miles. I'm so lazy sometimes.

I'm lazy in other ways too. Not necessarily today but in the past I'm lazy when it comes to meeting new people. Like many single gay men who use the internet, I have profiles on, AOL, Glimpse, and I match up with lots of guys. But I never e-mail them. I always wait until someone e-mails me. I'm so shy when it comes to starting things. Once someone starts it up, I'm fine but the beginning part is just too hard for me. I'm lazy that way. Just recently (like last weekend) I re-activated my profile. Since Sunday I've gotten 7 winks and 3 e-mails from guys. Maybe people don't read the profiles in detail or even give them much thought but most of the guys who have sent me mail or winks don't match with me. If they took the time to read they'd see that I'm not this or that or they are this or that that I'm not interested in….or whatever. Anyway, the point is, when it comes to beginning relationships, I'm the lazy one. ALL of the relationships I've been in have been initiated by the other person. How lazy is that?

Why do I rattle on and on to say something so simple? That's not being lazy, that's being verbose.

Odds and Ends

First off my web hosting service has been freaky today. I have been unable to connect to the email server or the ftp server. So if anyone has sent me email, I have been unable to get it. And I've been unable to upload anything to my site. They sent out an email last week saying they would be updating servers or doing some power backup installation but I didn't think it would take all day. I just checked again and it's still down. That sucks.

This morning I had the first part of my dentist appointment to have two crowns done. I hate the dentist and get very anxious about the pain that always accompanies a trip to the dentist. My appointment was at 8:20 (weird time I know) in the morning so I was hoping I'd fall asleep in the chair. I almost did. My cute dentist was back so I had that fear again that I'd rub his leg while under the gas. He gave me lots of novocaine and turned the gas up. I relaxed and was really flying when he started the work. I hardly felt anything this time. Maybe at one point I felt a little pain but for the most part I didn't feel anything. And I really think I almost fell asleep at one point. About an hour and a half into the procedure I really had to go to the bathroom so they turned off the gas and let me get up. I was a little out of it but was about to do the deed and get back to the chair. He then put in the temps in and then I was on my way. In 3 weeks I'll get the permanent crowns and be done with it.

I was glad to hear early this morning that Kerry chose Edwards as his VP. This will be good for the ticket. Edwards should help bring in more of the southern vote hopefully. I wanted Edwards from way back so I'm glad he's on the ticket.

Big Brother 5 started tonight. I'll be watching every episode. I have been watching it from the first season and have really gotten into it. Last summer when I was dating Shawn we watched it all the time. We had great conversations speculating on who would be out, who was gay, who would win, etc. Brings back some great memories of time spent with Shawn. Good times. This year the gay guy revealed himself to one girl already. He's kinda cute but too young and has that southern accent that assumes a lack of education however he's a registered nurse. Must be a smart gay man. There's another guy on there who I can tell I already hate. His from Michigan. When they were showing the part about the people, they showed him putting a “Bush Country” sign in his front yard so I know I won't like him. Should be an interesting season. I'll keep up with it. It will also give me things to chat with Shawn about.

The Amazing Race starts tonight too. It hasn't started yet so I can't comment on the show. I will watch it though. Yet another reality type show that I enjoy watching. Of course I'll look for any gay people.

Update: I watched this show and there aren't any gay people. There is a midget (little person, sorry) and some nice looking guys though. My server was still down during the show so I couldn't post anything. 🙁

Completely unrelated to the above items: Things are happening, emotions are stirring, complications abound.


My good friend David came over last night. We sat on my balcony and watched all the local fireworks shows. It was way too muggy and wet (it rained a lot yesterday) to go downtown to see the fireworks around the Washington Monument. I tried taking pictures but it’s so hard to take night pictures with my digital camera. I got a few decent ones as you can see. Click on them to make them larger. The pictures show the fireworks show from Falls Church. That is the closest show to me. They looked much better in person then they do in the photos.