On the last Friday of each month our faculty has a birthday breakfast for all the people who had birthdays during that month. Today was the birthday breakfast for those in May. Everyone on the faculty knows my 40th birthday is tomorrow. Also, everyone on the faculty knows me pretty well. I wear plaid shirts everyday. And as soon as it gets warm I wear my plaid shirts with khaki shorts with tennis shoes and short white socks. I’ve been having several birthday celebrations this week so I didn’t think this one would be any different. I dress in my usual uniform. I have on a plaid shirt, my khaki cargo shorts, my tennis shoes and short white socks. I get to school and my classroom door is decorated with black balloons and a big sign that says 40-Aged to Perfection. So I go about my business getting my classroom ready for the day etc. when an announcement is made that the birthday breakfast is ready. I walk over to the library and as I walk in the door I see a sea of plaid shirts with khaki shorts, tennis shoes and white socks. Of our faculty of 65, there must have been 50 people dressed in my uniform. I burst out laughing and they all screamed Happy Birthday! I couldn’t believe it. Some of these people I hardly talk too but they were dressed in my uniform. One of my closest colleagues e-mailed everyone and told them to dress as I do as a great joke for the birthday breakfast. It was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I couldn’t stop laughing. Even my principal was dressed in my uniform. It was just too much. After having breakfast and thinking about it I realized they were both making fun of me and letting me know that they care about me. It was both funny and touching at the same time. I have to hand to Diane, my close colleague, for pulling this off without me finding out. It may not sound as funny here but the scene was extremely humorous. It was great! 40 isn’t so bad and it’s nice to know people like you and care about you.
Work History
Following in the footsteps of these guys (BMW, Sparky, and Traveling Spotlight) I decided to write about my work history. Thinking about the past, I realized I've had very few jobs.
1979-1982 – Shakey's Pizza Parlor-Made pizzas, drank beer, ran the cash register, met my first boyfriend, had fun.
1982-1987 – Day Care Center-During the summers off from college I worked at a day care center. I had the 2 and 3 year olds class. I planned lessons and field trips. I learned a lot.
1987-Present – Teacher– Teacher, at the same school, in the same classroom and the same grade for 17 years now.
That's it. Seems as though I'm pretty loyal. I actually love my job and plan to be there until retirement.
Let The Festivities Begin!
Saturday is my 40th birthday. The celebrations have begun. Today after work, 8 of my closest colleagues at work had a party for me. The wine was flowing, the food was delicious, the cake amazing, and presents! I had such a great time. All straight women! None of whom officially know I’m gay. They may suspect but I’ve never said anything. Anyway, we had a great time. A few glasses of wine later I was still able to drive home safely. Now I’m stuffed, too awake to go to bed and watching American Idol. I have a few other things planned for this weekend so the birthday celebrations are just beginning.
As soon as I got home I checked my e-mail and there was a very generous digital gift certificate to the iTunes Music Store from Shawn, the man I’m in love with (it’s not like he doesn’t already know it, damn the distance). Then I went through my snail mail and there was a very cute card from him. I know I use the term too much but Shawn is such a sweet man. Thank you, Shawn! Hugs and Kisses!
Like A Little Girl
I was standing outside with some colleagues after lunch today when a cicada flew right into me and landed on my cheek. Instantly I started screaming, jumping around, and swatting at it like a girl. Of course they can't hurt you but it was a little scary to have it land on my face! It only lasted a few seconds but a few of my colleagues (some I joke with regularly) started chuckling and laughing at my reaction. I felt like such a little girl. I don't think I have gay voice or even act gay (not that it's bad if you do) but I was pretty embarrassed. It was pretty funny though.
I am so NOT going to watch Bushie on TV tonight. I am so sick of that man. I can’t bare to listen to him speak about his failure. According to ABC News Bushie’s approval rating is the lowest in his presidency.
For the first time in ABCNEWS/Washington Post polls, fewer than half of Americans, 47 percent, approve of Bush’s overall job performance, while more, 50 percent, disapprove. The president’s approval rating matches Gerald Ford’s in the spring before his narrow loss in the 1976 presidential election.
If that doesn’t send a signal I don’t know what does. I hope this disapproval translates to his ousting in November.