I haven’t talked about it yet, but the cicadas are here. I haven’t really noticed them but I have been aware of all the news reports about them. If you don’t have them in your area of the country, be glad. This week they have really come out in force. The ground temperature must have reached the 64 degrees that is needed for them to emerge. I noticed them today more then ever. The noise hasn’t started yet, but they have come out of the ground, come out of their shells, and are now all over the place. On the field past the playground my students were all running around trying to catch them and watch them. That part of our property hasn’t been disturbed in the last 20 years so they have had the perfect place to come alive. I walked up to that end of the property with the students today and there must be hundreds and hundreds of wholes where they have come out of the ground. There are shells all over the place. It’s amazing to see. I do remember when they were here the last time and I even remember when I was 5 or 6 and the cicadas came out. Although, I think I remember the sound they made more then what they looked like. The sound hasn’t begun yet but supposedly in a few days the noise will be deafening. Something to look forward to.
Hair Cut
I got my hair cut after work today. The lady I go to sometimes takes too much off but I think this time it was just right. I thought I’d take some pictures of my hair cut but I hadn’t charged the battery for my Canan Rebel. I had to use my camera phone. The quality isn’t too bad. It’s good enough for web pics. Below are some pictures of me right out of the shower. Notice the wet hair. I wonder if I should submit one of these to The Shower Room.
Then of course I dried my hair and made it look like it does everyday. Luckily you can’t see the few gray hairs I have in these pictures. Even the dry hair pic below doesn’t reveal the gray. I don’t have that many anyway. By the way, do I look like I’ll be 40 at the end of the month?
No Cable
I woke up this morning at my regular time, 4:30 am, rolled over and turned on the TV. No picture. No sound. What was wrong? The cable was out. We hadn't had a storm. Surely they weren't working on the cable at my building at that time of the morning. No clue, but the cable was out. This totally wrecks my morning routine. I'm used to hearing the latest news at 4:30 am. For a split second I didn't know what to do. Then of course I got up and got moving and just decided I'd get to work a little earlier and get more things done. Part of my morning routine is to check my favorite blogs and see what might have been posted during the evening hours. I also like to check mine to see if anyone has commented, etc. Without even thinking, I turn on the computer after having my breakfast. I return to the computer after making my bed and setting my clothes out and I realize that I will not be able to do any surfing because I have a cable modem and the cable is out. So the world could been falling apart and I wouldn't have known it! No TV and no internet access. This is nuts! So I throw in the towel and get an old set of rabbit ears out and quickly connect them to my TV. Bingo! No world disaster happening. Just the local news and weather. I left the cable turned on on my other TV just in case it came on while I was going about my morning routine. Of course just as I'm leaving for work at a little after 6:00 am, the cable comes back on. Damn! Just figures. But it was nice to know I could rely on the old fashion technology to at least get the local weather.
Fictitious Blogging
I may be a little obsessed with reading blogs lately. I read some 30 blogs everyday. Not all of them post something new everyday but I like to read what’s new when something is posted. I’ve commented before that I live vicariously through other blogs because I have no life. It seems like some have a much more interesting life then myself.
I find other blogs, as I’m sure others do as well, by clicking on the links the others post on their blogs. I do this often to see what they find interesting. If I enjoy their blog and they have a link to another blog they find interesting, I might find it interesting as well. That is how I’ve created the list of blogs I enjoy reading. Some are boing and some are interesting. The ones I find most interesting are the ones that write about themselves and what’s going on in their lives. I do read the political ones as well but I don’t find them as interesting. Any blogs that are topic specific I stay away from….blogs just about food or blogs just about broadway shows, etc.
So I’m clicking on random links on someone’s blog and run across another blog that I start reading. I spend some time reading the posts on the main page and then read the “about me” part. Then go to the archives and read a few posts there. The more I read this blog the more I think it’s completely made up. I can’t believe that this person has been all the places they talk about, know all the people they say they know, and do all the things they say they do. I should be clear here and say I’m not suggesting that this blog is fictitious, it just reads that way to me.
Anyway, reading so much of this blog and feeling the way I did after reading it, I began to wonder if there are blogs out there that are completely made up. Is there such a thing? I recently heard about a fake website created simply to promote the new movie “Godsend”. I wonder if people create fake blogs. Why would you do that? Would you need to create a completely different life for yourself because yours is so pathetic? I know I don’t have a life but I wouldn’t even think of making things up so that my blog would be popular. I just don’t get it.
The point of this post is not to accuse anyone of creating stories to be a more popular blogger, it is to ponder the question and wonder out loud about the possibility of fake blogs. I simply wonder if there are such things.
Special Days
I was a good son today and took my mother out to lunch for Mother’s Day. Since my mother is moving in another week or so, I also helped her move some of her plants and food items to her new condo. I also helped put together some kitchen chairs she recently bought. She’s already had her bedroom furniture delivered and set up. On the day she actually moves, I don’t think it will take long to get her moved or be very difficult. Granted, she’s having a mover do all the work but getting it done will be easy. It’s a plus that’s she’s moving on a week day when most people will be at work. After helping mom with the few things at her condo, we walked around the grounds and saw all the things the place has to offer. This place has a big outdoor pool AND an indoor pool. It’s got a 4 lane bowling ally, a resturant, a bar, a library, tennis courts, and a walking trail. I wouldn’t mind living there myself! I took my camera and took pictures of her new place and some of the view off her balcony. The sky was a little hazy early this morning so the pictures aren’t that clear. I’ll take more when I’m there on a really clear day. Then mom and I went to The Silver Diner for lunch. I suggested somewhere different but she wanted The Silver Diner. We had a nice lunch. I think she was surprised when I paid for lunch. Usually she pays . It was a nice day with mom. Love ya, mom!
I met Shawn one year ago today. We had our first date. We went to Copland’s in Alexandria for dinner and then back to his place to watch The Royal Tenenbaums. I think we talked more then we watched the movie. I know talked a lot. He’s so easy to talk to. I apologized for talking so much and not following the movie. I also learned not to talk too much during movies from then on. We enjoyed a few glasses of wine. Shawn was the perfect gentleman that first night. That was a plus. I was probably in love with him that first night. Time passes and things change. We were together for a few months, then apart for a few months, and now we are very close friends. Knowing Shawn has enriched my life more then he knows. We talked on the phone this afternoon for more then an hour. We talked about that first date and what we did, etc. Brought back great memories spent with him. He asked what I was going to do this summer while I’m off. I said not much. He then said I need to get out and meet people and go on dates. I know what he’s thinking. He probably thinks I’m going to remain single until the time comes that we can be together again. That sounds wonderful but that only happens in the movies. It reminds me of the vignettes from the movie “When Harry Met Sally” where old people met when they were young and then parted and then met again later in life and fell in love. It would make a beautiful gay love story but I’m not going to hold my breath, Shawn. If someone comes along who sweeps me off my feet, I won’t hesitate to develop something. I wish the same for him as well. No one knows what the future will hold. I do know that I’m glad Shawn is in my life. I hope to visit him in Oklahoma this summer. It will be great to see him again. Anyway, our phone call was great. We talked about all kinds of things. The time just goes by without noticing. I hope we’ll keep up these weekly phone calls. I really enjoy talking to him. If you’re reading this Shawn, thanks and get your work done this week! 🙂