Brad came over this evening. We did not have dinner. He was just coming over to watch a documentary on my VCR. He got here at 6 and we watched the news then we watched the documentary. We chatted for a few minutes after and then he went home. It was a quick, quiet evening. He might be going away this weekend so I'm not sure if I'll see him. We will see.
Photos Of Brad
Brad came over last night. I cooked him dinner. We chatted about this and that. I showed him old photo albums and then showed him all my photos in a slideshow on my computer. We watched Sex and The City. Then we chatted some more. Brad was going to spend the night but couldn't sleep so he went home. 🙁 He let me torture him by taking some more pictures of him. Here are the best ones I was able to take.
“Are you a bottom because you like getting fucked or are you a bottom because you are lazy?”-Margaret Cho from Notorious CHO
A Drink
Brad and I got together tonight. I went to his place and then we went out to dinner. At dinner, we decided to have margaritas. But I didn't care for mine so Brad ended up having his and almost all of mine. We had a nice dinner and nice conversation as usual. By the time we left Brad was just a little tipsy. It think it was the first time I heard him really laugh. When we got back to his house he was petting the cat and I put my face close to the cat and there was a little shock between us and the cat jumped back a foot. Brad thought this was so funny. He was really laughing. It was funny watching him laugh so hard about it. We then spent a few hours laying on the couching talking and relaxing. Brad was getting sleepy after awhile so I decided I should go. We had a very nice evening talking and relaxing. I think I was jabbering too much but he said I wasn't. He's a great guy.
An Evening With Brad
Brad came over tonight. We walked down the street to Subway and got some sandwiches. We brought them back to my place and ate them in the kitchen. I took some pictures of Brad while eating. He DOES NOT like having his picture taken but I can't help it. So below you will see pictures of him while we were eating. I'm sure he will not lik seeing them. After dinner we watched some TV and chatted. It's always enjoyable talking to him. I get to find out more about him each time we are together. Brad got a haircut earlier this week. Doesn't it look nice?
Sorry I posted these pictures, Brad!!