Brad called this afternoon and invited me to run errands with him. He also suggested we see a movie. I got to his place (which is only 5 minutes away…what a bonus!) and after looking online for a movie, we decided to skip the movie. We went to Target and Petsmart to get some things he needed. Then we went to Bob and Ediths for dinner. Finally back to his place for some quiet conversation. The more time we spend together, the more we find out about each. As Martha would say, “It’s A Good Thing.”
Dinner With Brad
After e-mailing back and forth with Brad all week, we decided to get together again. So tonight I invited him over for dinner. I made pasta. I think he enjoyed it. Now Brad is not a television viewer so I made him pick out a movie for us to watch. We watched “The Bridges of Madison County”. I love this movie. It's very romantic and touching. I think Brad enjoyed it as well. It was nice being on the couch with him while watching the movie. Eventually it got to be late and I know that Brad is not a late night kinda guy so I let him go home. We both agreed to see each other again. I told him he had to call me with a plan of something to do tomorrow. We'll see.
New Years Eve 2003
Last night (New Years Eve), I had two good friends over for dinner. We enjoyed dinner and sat around and talked about everything from politics to sex. It was nice to talk trash with the guys. It was fun. Then we watched TV. That got us talking about music from the 80's. We flipped around the digital cable music channels and listened to different songs from the 80's. Then we watched the ball drop in Times Square. At midnight we toasted the new year with sparkling cider and shared our resolutions for the new year. We all agreed that 2004 couldn't be any worse then 2003. In talking with friends and family, I've found that 2003 wasn't a good year for many. Here's hoping 2004 is a great year for everyone!
The Night I Met Brad
Tonight I met Brad. He’s a very handsome guy. We went out to dinner and enjoyed a few hours of great conversation. We found out that we have many things in common. It was a surprise to find out that we have many of the same feelings about relationships and men and dating. I really enjoyed our evening together.
Hair Cut
Today I got my hair cut. Below you can see a picture of me. What do you think? Well, I think it looks pretty good. (I know I need to shave. I'm off so why shave? hehehe) Although, when the lady held the mirror for me to see the back of my hair, I realized my hair was getting a little thin on top. As I approach my 40th year I guess it can be expected that my hair won't last forever. My grandfather on my mother's side was completely bald and I hear we get our hair genes from our grandfathers on our mother's side. I have brothers who are loosing their hair much more then I think I am. I mean, it's not like I'm bald or anything. It just looks a little thin on top. And I guess the shorter I get it cut, the more you can see it. Oh well. I won't be a comb over kinda guy or a hair piece kind of guy or even a guy who takes drugs to keep what he already has. I know I'm getting older and I can live with the changes that occur as I age. Plus, I still have a full head of hair…as you can see in the picture. I really shouldn't worry about it, right?