There are 3 political items that are giving me the slightest hope that the tide is changing.
Congress voted to revise the Patriot Act to block the Justice Department and the FBI from using the Patriot Act to snoop into library records and bookstore sales slips. I think this is a good start but the Patriot Act needs more revision. It’s a first step though. This could just be the beginning. Let’s just hope that Bush doesn’t veto the changes. I’m glad to see some of the republicans are beginning to see what this act does for our freedoms.
A small group of congressmen met today to begin talking about an exit strategy for Iraq. I was so glad to hear that. It’s about time to think about getting out and letting that country stand on their own. We’ve spent way too much money, and time there, not to mention the 1700 people killed. I hope what they discussed today will be heard and will be the starting point of more higher level discussions about getting out of Iraq. It’s time. started a petition to stop congress from taking away the funding from PBS. I signed the petition and in 24 hours they got something like 300,000 signatures. I know petitions don’t always work but I hope it sends a message to congress that PBS is important and we need to keep it. I also hope they realize that PBS’ programming shouldn’t be directed by the religious right. PBS currently shows all sides of issues and produces programs for everyone.