Surely you know by now that Terri Schivao has finally died. I'm sure she's in a better place. Of course her death does not end the debate about death with dignity, and courts and the congress getting involved with family decisions. I'm sure we'll be hearing about this for a long time. This is not the end, but just the beginning of yet another thing the religious right wants to change and feels they have to do it for the country. These people are just going too far.
I'm embarrassed for all those religious idiots who sat outside her hospice making fools of themselves. They didn't know anything about that woman. They were getting on a band wagon and riding it all the way. Just as the congress had no business getting into this, all those people outside her hospice had no business being there. Tom Delay said today that he will hold those accountable for her death. What a fuckin idiot. Who does he think he is? The moral authority of the country. Please. The man is brain dead himself.
And now the pope has been given his last rights. Good riddance! Pull the sticks out of his back, pull the feeding tube out and in a few days he too will be gone. He's got a urinary tract infection? How did he get that?
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about the pope and Terri Schivao. It's time to move on.