50th Birthday

Friday evening I had a little birthday happy hour with some friends from work. It was a great way to celebrate my 50th birthday. I had a great time and probably had a bit too much wine by the end of the evening. Here are some photos from the evening. Thank you, Warren!


I’m Turning 50

50th30 days from today I’ll be 50 years old. I don’t think turning 50 is a bad thing. I don’t usually stress over birthdays so this one should be reached without much fanfare. Things are pretty good right now. I have a solid career that I’ll be retiring from in the next 3 to 5 years. My relationship is very strong. We’ve almost been together for 10 years. I have several hobbies that keep me busy in my free time. I would like to be making more money but that’s what I get for taking a public sector job. I’m pretty materialistic and always want more things but I hope in my older age I’ll put less importance on items. I would like to be thinner and be a bit healthier but I make choices that won’t make that happen unless I change my ways. Overall though I’m pretty happy and pretty content in my life right now. I don’t think turning 50 will have too much of an effect on me. It’s a milestone birthday but I don’t expect much to change.