Netflix for iPad

So last night I reactivated my Netflix account and downloaded the Netflix app on the iPad. It’s a pretty good app. I can watch movies instantly. However, you have to have a wifi connection. It won’t work using the 3G. No big deal. I make my iMac a wifi hot spot and the iPad connects to it. The movies load really fast. If you have Netflix and an iPad, consider getting this app. It’s free!

Last night I watched Sunshine Cleaning. It was okay. I like Amy Adams and her part was pretty good but the movie overall wan’t that great. This one only gets two out of five A’s.

Tonight I watched Breakfast With Scot. I have the book but never got around to reading it. The movie was about a gay couple who take care of boy temporarily. The boy is gay and one of his “fathers” (Tom Cavanah) has a hard time dealing with the boy being gay. The movie basically continues with this storyline. It’s a cute story. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was some of the scenes filmed included the microphone. I would think the film editor would see this and cut that out. Check out the picture below. Anyway, it was a decent movie. I’d give it three out of five A’s.

Here’s how creative I am. I don’t have a stand for my iPad to hold it horizontally. So I took a kleenex box and cut a slit in it just enough to hold the iPad horizontally. It worked pretty well.

iPad Day

Many people got their iPads today. I didn’t. Mine won’t come til the end of the month. I’m getting the 3G version. Did you get an iPad today? What apps do you like? Which apps should I have? I’m not into the games though.