Arizona Sadz

Just when I think things are progressing in the right direction for equal rights in our country, Arizona goes and makes a law discriminating against gay people. The state of Arizona is such a laughing stock right now. They should simply be embarrassed with their state legislature. They foolishly claim this bill is about religious freedom but everyone knows it’s a ruse for discrimination and bigotry. Did you saw the interview Anderson Cooper had with Al Melvin, a state legislator and candidate for governor, about the bill? Anderson did a great job of trying to get this guy to admit it was discrimination. If this guy represents the people of Arizona, I feel bad for all the good people of Arizona…like my friend Homer.

Now, I admit, Virginia isn’t the best place for gay people either but at least we now have a governor and attorney general who are on our side. We might even have marriage equality soon in our state. But we do have an awful history of being against gay people in the past.

In any case, with all the pressure Jan Brewer is getting from outside her state and from the entire country, surely she’ll veto this bill. As awful as she is to begin with, surely she can see that she can’t sign this bill. She would lose too much business if she signs this bill. I guess we’ll know for sure by Saturday morning what she’ll do.