Happy New Year

Yesterday I went to my sister’s house in Richmond to celebrate my father’s 80th birthday. My entire family was there. There are 24 of us when we are all together. Here’s a picture of my twin brother and myself with my father. It was great catching up with all my siblings.

Here’s the entire family. I’m not sure when this will ever happen again. Every sibling, spouses and children are there. We aren’t missing anyone.

Two Cakes

Yesterday on my birthday, the boyfriend got me a cake. And of course we put those very old numbers on it. He sang happy birthday to me and I made a wish and blew out the candles. My wish hasn’t come true yet but they’ll be drawing the lottery numbers on Tuesday and Wednesday night. hahaha Here’s the cake the boyfriend got me. I can’t wait for my other birthday in October! hehehe

Today we met some fellow wine bloggers at a winery and they brought me a cake for my birthday as well! Wasn’t that nice of them?

Boyfriend’s Birthday

The boyfriend’s birthday is coming up this week…on Tuesday. Since we don’t get together during the week, we celebrated his birthday today. We went to our favorite winery and had a bottle of the most expensive wine they make. We enjoyed it with our lunch.

When we got home from the winery we had cake and the boyfriend opened his gift. I made the cake of course. As you can see the boyfriend really enjoyed blowing out the candles.

I gave the boyfriend a set of eight champagne glasses. When we had our dinner party on New Year’s eve, we didn’t have enough matching champagne glasses. Now he has enough for eight guests. I think he liked the gift.

Happy Birthday, honey! I love you!