Black Lives Matter Plaza

There have been a lot of protests lately. More and more people are joining the marches/protests. And there are more and more police and looks like military out there trying to control them. Today I went on a walk with my friend Lynn. We walked down to Black Lives Matter Plaza. We then walked over to Lafayette Park and saw the huge fences up around the park and around the White House. You can’t get anywhere close to the White House and you can’t go into the park at all. It was a little scary walking around seeing the protests and seeing all the signs up. I was glad I was able to get down there and see it and experience it.

More Protests

This evening we went to dinner at Silver. While eating, a group of protesters started a protest across the street from the restaurant. They were very peaceful and didn’t stop cars or get in the road. They waived their signs and shouted their words and were fine.

I wore a new mask today. I’m not sure I like the fit and the little air holes on the sides. I think they could let the virus in. I’ll have to do some research about this kind. Also we have started seeing these menu signs. You have to pull the menu up on your phone. They are no longer handing out menus because of the virus. There are lots of adaptations to life with this virus.


There have been a lot of protests lately for the Black Lives Matter movement. We didn’t think we’d see much of it happening in our area. However, we went out to dinner this evening (sitting outside because of the pandemic) and saw some damage at our local CVS. We didn’t see any protests, just the aftermath of it. I guess they boarded up in anticipation of the protests. It’s a little scary to think this is happening in our area and during a pandemic.