Seems Like

It seems like my blog has turned into a video blog. While that may look like the case, it isn’t. My latest hobby is creating videos and posting them to my YouTube Channel. I embed them here so those who don’t go to my YouTube Channel can see the videos.

However, I am still looking for birds, still taking lots of photographs, and still think of things to share on the blog. Just the other day I was at Scotts Run Nature Preserve recording video and taking pictures. One of the pictures I took was of the waterfalls. I slowed down the shutter speed and adjusted the other settings for the light conditions and came up with what I think is an amazing photo. Click the picture to make it bigger to see the detail.


I do have lots to say about the current happenings in the world and the US but I just haven’t spent time to write them down or to even record a video of how I feel about them. Maybe soon I’ll do just that. In the mean time, enjoy the videos and keep checking in. Actually, I don’t even know if anyone is coming to the blog anymore. We’ll see.

Douglas Fir

In preparation for the the upcoming month and season change, I’ve changed the header, background and link color. We went to get a christmas tree this morning and I took some pictures of the trees with my iPhone. The header is a from a picture I took with my iPhone. Pretty amazing, I’d say. It’s not even the 4S. Here’s the full picture.

I’m Disappointed

I’m so disappointed in so many things. I’m disappointed with congress of course but more locally I’m disappointed with my state government. Today my governor proposed budget cuts amounting to $730 million to K-12 education. And major cuts to public health services for low-income families and people with mental disabilities. Yes, he’s a republican. Did he cut his own salary? No. He’s the fourth highest paid governor in the country. But we are #48 in the country in terms of funding medicaid at the state level. It’s embarrassing to be a Virginian right now.

On top of the cuts to education and health care, our general assembly has voted to allow Virginians to buy more than one gun in a 30 day period, allow guns in bars, allow guns on school property in cars and various other embarrassing bills. Our general assembly is retarded….and yes, in the Sarah Palin retarded way. Fuck that bitch too.

I’m not in a very good mood. I haven’t gotten a raise in two years and probably won’t get one again next year. With the proposed budget for education, I’ll have to pay more for my health care and more into the retirement system which means my take home pay next year will be less than it is this year. I can’t take many more cuts. I already refinanced my condo so that I could afford the mortgage payment. Of course that was right before they raised my condo fee. I don’t know what the math should be but I probably shouldn’t be paying 50% of my monthly pay on housing.

Ugh…enough of the bitching. Why are teachers treated with so little respect in this country? I really need to win the lottery.