Date Night Dinner

My husband is leaving for New Orleans in the morning. We decided to go out to dinner tonight since he’ll be gone until next week. We went to Martin’s Tavern for dinner. We love that place. It was delicious of course. We also had a nice bottle of wine.

I walked 2.25 miles today.

On another note, Apple had an education event today and introduced a new iPad that is geared toward education. The best part is that it now recognizes the Apple Pencil. It’s the lowest cost iPad. I decided to get one! It should be here next week. I got the cheapest one. No cellular, only 32 gigs, and no bells and whistles. I have not been using an iPad for a few years and really didn’t need this one but I wanted it.


For our anniversary I gave my husband a glass vase. The modern version of the 3rd anniversary gift is glass. It is a huge vase so he was able to fill it with these beautiful Lillies. They have opened up now and look beautiful!

I only did .88 miles inside today but my overall all day mile count was 4.47 miles. We also went out to dinner today at Silver. It was much better than the first time we went there.

Snow Walk

It snowed about an inch overnight. My husband didn’t have to go to work today. We had a leisurely breakfast and relaxed most of the day. I did go on a walk in the building and walked 2.14 miles. Then in the evening we went to The Grilled Oyster Company for dinner. It was date night!

Date Night Walk

2.76 miles today. I went so far because I counted the distance from the car to the restaurant for date night dinner. We went to 2 Amy’s for pizza. It was good! We had a nice bottle of wine can caught up on the date. It was a lovely evening.