About The Header

We are having a Halloween party this evening. We’ve been decorating all day. I even made cupcakes! I also carved a pumpkin. We’ll have a bunch of friends over for an evening of fun. In between decorating today we went for a walk to see the fall leaves before Hurricane Sandy blows them away in the next few days. While on the walk I took lots of photos of the fall leaves. The header above is one of those photos. I decided to update the blog with seasonal colors with the new header. Of course I’ll change it in a few months but for now, I’ll enjoy it. Below you can see some more. I hope you’re having a wonderful Fall season!

Fall Is Here!

Fall really arrived over night. The temperatures are in the 50s and the air finally feels like fall. I’m so glad it’s here now. I’ve been so tired of the muggy, humid days here in the DC area. I want to see the leaves start to change but that will be a few weeks from now. Until then, here’s a shot of leaves from last year. And you can see I changed the banner above to reflect the season.