
For our anniversary I gave my husband a glass vase. The modern version of the 3rd anniversary gift is glass. It is a huge vase so he was able to fill it with these beautiful Lillies. They have opened up now and look beautiful!

I only did .88 miles inside today but my overall all day mile count was 4.47 miles. We also went out to dinner today at Silver. It was much better than the first time we went there.

Monday Walk

I had an early morning Dr. appointment so I had to walk in the middle of the day. I walked 2.59 miles on the track today. The sun was out so it was warmer than usual. Also, since I was on the campus during the day there were tons of students walking around. Usually I don’t see anyone because I’m there so early but today there must have been 1000 kids walking around. Some were worth looking at. hahaha Here’s a picture of some flowers I saw on my walk.