
Today my husband came home from spending 5 day with his family in New Orleans. This evening we exchanged gifts since we weren’t together on Christmas Day. For some reason I have no pictures of me opening my gifts but a few of him opening his. I think we both enjoyed the gifts we gave each other. I got some pajama pants, some shaving supplies, candy and a nice gift card to the Apple store!

Time for Gifts

My husband is leaving tomorrow to visit his family in New Orleans for almost a week for Christmas. He does this every year. We decided we’d open our gifts this morning. I got him practical gifts and he gave me some very sentimental, thoughtful gifts. He’s such a good husband.

One of the gifts my husband gave me was a book called “A Mindful Day”. The book contains 365 ways to live life with peace, clarity and an open heart. See, I’ve been having some depression and anxiety lately. I have issues with my father’s death, with our relationship and supposedly with retirement (according to a doctor). I’ve been having more sad days then happy days. I’ve been to see a therapist and have started group therapy. In group therapy we learn ways to deal with our anxiety. One of the ways is to be mindful each day. SO when my husband gave me the book, I started crying. It means he understands what I’m going through and wants to help me get past this bought of depression. I was so overcome with emotion when I saw the book. I’m reading one page everyday. Hopefully in time I’ll feel better and not so sad all the time. I also have a psychiatrist appointment next Friday to possibly get some meds. We’ll see.

Today the Christmas Monkey got into the Christmas cookies. There were only two left by the time I got to him.

I used the exercise app to walk outside today when we went out to dinner. I walked 1.26 miles but I didn’t close all the rings on the Apple Watch.