Park Visit

Today I took my husband’s parents to visit Meridian Hill Park in DC. We had a good time walking around the park. Here’s a shot from our visit. After that I went on an outdoor walk. I walked 3.02 miles. Good walk!

Husband Walk

Today my wonderful husband joined me on my walk. We walked in the middle of the day so it was much warmer…close to 90 degrees. We only walked 2.06 miles because of the heat. Here he is walking in front of me because he walks faster than I do.

In other news, my iPhone 8 Plus arrived today. Yay!

One Last Snow

Everyone in the area thinks this will be our last snow. It snowed all day today. It started about 7:15 in the morning and didn’t end until about 8:00 this evening. The roads and sidewalks were too warm for anything to stick so I went to work on time. In the end we got about 3 inches of snow. Now the temperatures are dropping fast and it’s supposed to be really cold tomorrow with high winds. I do hope this is the last one. I’m ready for spring. I snapped a few pictures with my iPhone.
Before the snow started this morning, I filled the bird feeder at work. The birds came to the feeder right away and started eating. I didn’t have my big camera so I didn’t get any pictures. To help keep the squirrels away from the bird feeder I always put some seed on the windowsill. Sure enough a few minutes after I filled the bird feeder, the squirrels came to the windowsill to get some food. One sat there for a very long time munching on the seeds. I got really close with my iPhone and snapped a few pictures. It’s cute how he has his tail up over his body to keep the snow off. This was early in the morning so the snow hadn’t accumulated much.

Throwback Thursday

iphoneThrowback Thursday is supposed to be about yourself but I couldn’t let this go. Seven years ago today Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. The iPhone has had a major impact on society and the way we use our phones and access the internet. It does so much. There was an article on the Huffington Post today about seven things the iPhone has killed over the years. I have to agree with each one. Check out the article and see if you agree. Happy Birthday, iPhone!

So here is my actual throwback Thursday photo. This is me in the spring of 1975 when I was in 5th grade singing a solo at the spring concert of the Glee Club. Yes, it was actually called the Glee Club….way before Glee. The song was “Take Me Out To The Ball Game.” The guy in the background wearing the same baseball uniform also had a part in the song. I had a little crush on him at the time but he was oh so straight. Today he’s fat, bald, and has a ton of kids. Anyway, I remember singing that song and getting a lot of attention for that role. My singing career was pretty much limited to elementary school…except for 7th grade where I played Charlie Brown in “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” I had a song to sing during that play but after that I didn’t do anymore singing.