Marriage Equality

redpinkToday the Supreme Court took up the topic of same-sex marriage or what the rest of us know as marriage equality. They are hearing arguments in two cases. One is the prop 8 decision in California and the other is the repeal of DOMA signed into law 17 years ago by Bill Clinton…who has since said it is time to repeal the act.

I was reading an article on the Washington post about it and I was a little surprised to see them characterize the court at “cautious” and “conflicted”. I don’t think the court should be either. A majority of Americans feel it is time to give gays and lesbians the same rights at straight people. This is not a religious issue, it’s a civil issue. Gays and lesbians are being denied the same rights as straight people under the law. The civil laws that rule marriage are not religious in nature. They are based on contracts between two people. There is nothing in the constitution that says those two people entering a contract of marriage can’t be between two members of the same sex.

The religious aspect of marriage is brought on by those on the radical right who seem to think giving the same legal rights to gays and lesbians as straight people enjoy today would somehow damage their marriage. What they fail to realize is two gays or two lesbians getting married will not effect their marriage in anyway. I don’t see why they can’t see that. It really comes down to the fact that they don’t like people who are not like them. It’s bigotry plain and simple.

While listening to the news about the oral arguments today, I heard the opposing side bring up the fact that marriage is about producing children. Will the right be jumping on the band wagon to deny marriage rights to straight people who are past child bearing years and want to get married? Will they not let those who have no desire to have children marry? They simply don’t have a leg to stand on.

It would be very sad if the court doesn’t recognize how society has changed on this issue. Everyone knows someone who is gay. Would you want to deny this close friend, relative, neighbor the same rights you are entitled to? I think not. I would be very disappointed in the Supreme Court if they did not truly recognize how unfair the current laws are in terms of marriage. I know the swing vote will be Kennedy but he didn’t have the most promising words to say today during the arguments. I also know that we will not hear the final decision for months. Until that time though, I do hope the justices realize the importance and lasting implications their ruling will have on society and history. Would they want to be on the wrong side of history because the religious right tells them to? I hope not. I do have my fingers crossed and hope they land on the right side of history. It’s time for marriage equality for all.