Cool Photo

It was cold again this morning but I wore the sweatshirt again and was able to get 3.14 miles on the track. On the way to the track I passed the power plant for the university. There was a pipe putting out all this steam. From the other side of the track it made for a cool photo. Do you agree?

On another note, I’m just sick with the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas last night. It’s the largest mass shooting in modern American history. Of course Trump is a horrible president and never says what needs to be said to heal the country.

Busy Track

I only walked 2.35 miles this morning. Besides the fact that it was quite chilly, the track was also very busy. I decided to get at least 2 miles in then stop. And the picture isn’t all that interesting today either. I’ll try harder tomorrow.

Sticky Walk

Ugh! Summer hasn’t ended yet. This morning it was hot, humid and sticky. And there were a lot of bugs out there. I walked 2.57 miles on the track this morning. It was gross. But I did take this picture of some pretty flowers with my new iPhone 8 Plus on the walk.