Might Be Time To Move

It might be time to seriously think about moving into DC. I only live about 7 miles away as it is now. It is now legal for men to marry men and women to marry women in Washington DC. I doubt we’ll see this happen in Virginia in my life time. How sad is that. I’m so close to progressive DC but yet my state is one of the most homophobic states in the country.

And while gay men and women lined up at the DC courthouse, Joe Lieberman introduced a bill in the senate to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. A bill has already been introduced in the House. Hopefully both will sail through quickly.

I love Virginia but hate that socially they are so backwards. I wish they’d catch up so I’d feel more comfortable in my own state.

Obama’s Religion

There was an article in the Washington Post today about President Obama and his faith or religion or according to some, lack thereof. The article upset me because we should not even be discussing someone’s faith/religion. Yes, I’m an atheist and don’t believe in god or religion. However, I do respect other’s right to worship whatever they want as long as they don’t push it on me.

I was reading the article and they were going on about the different ways Obama shows his religion….praying from time to time, having services at Camp David, etc. and I thought how stupid it was that people are reporting on this man’s religion.

The Obama’s haven’t selected a church in the DC area yet and that has all the religious right nutjobs in a tizzy. Obama appeared at the National Prayer Breakfast this morning. I know it’s been a tradition for Presidents to attend but I wish he hadn’t. It’s time to start cutting religion out of so much of the government. The nutjobs want Obama to use his religion to help him make decisions….instead of reason? Crazy, I know.

Anyway, after reading the article, I started reading the comments. I should really stop doing that. The majority of the people how leave comments are SO stupid!

I don’t think we should be bothered with Obama’s religion. That’s a private matter and we shouldn’t be concerned about his religion or lack thereof. We should leave the man and his family alone to use their religion the way they see fit…or not use it at all. Of course I prefer there be no religion at all…but that’s just me.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

So they started the discussion today about throwing out don’t ask, don’t tell. Okay, here’s what I don’t understand. If they say they want to repeal don’t ask, don’t tell why are they saying they have to do a year long study to do so? Why can’t they just say, “Starting tomorrow, we will no longer prohibit gays from serving in the military.” and be done with it? What do they have to do? It’s not like they have to change anything. All the gays will still have their jobs in the military but now they can say they are gay and not be discharged for saying so. Am I missing something or is there more to it that I’m not aware of?

Day 362 of 365

I was thinking about recording a podcast this evening to talk about my weekend but my weekend was so boring there isn’t much to say. Instead I’ll just post a little on my blog and maybe record tomorrow.

Over the last 24 hours I’ve caught up on Big Love. A few years ago I had HBO and watched the first season. Then I got rid of HBO because of the cost. Now I have HBO again free from the cable company. I decided to catch up on the show. They didn’t have season two on demand but they did have season three so I was able to catch up. Season four starts in a few weeks. I really like that show. If it shows just a fraction of what the real mormons are like, it’s scary as hell. They are wackos and believe in such weird things. Sorry if you happen to be mormon. I’m not really picking on them. I dislike all religions. I think they’re all cult like.

I’m watching a documentary on National Geographic about the KKK. That’s another cult like group that hates people for being different. I don’t hate people for being different. I just don’t want those with differences to push their differences (religion, politics, etc.) on me. That’s where they go wrong. The sad part is the tea baggers that have been screaming lately, aren’t that far from the KKK. Go ahead, let me have it but I would bet some of those tea baggers feel the same way as the KKK.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Day 309 of 365

What a disappointing turnout to the elections yesterday. Virginia took a big step backwards by electing Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, and Ken Cuccinelli. All three are right wing, republican, religious wing nuts. And now they will be in charge of Virginia for the next four years. Gay rights will just have to sit out the next four years in Virginia.

Last night I was watching the amazing documentary about Obama called By The People on HBO and I was inspired all over again. I had such a good feeling watching Obama win the election exactly one year ago. Then as the documentary was ending and Obama was giving his acceptance speech and I had chills going down my spine again, they announced the winners in the Virginia election and I quickly became depressed. I live in this state and am stuck with this fucktards for the next four years. I can’t imagine what might happen. If DC gets gay marriage, I might have to move there!

I don’t think the turn out of this election has anything to do with the success or the failure of the Obama administration. The wing nuts who want to make that connection don’t know what they are talking about. Virginia historically goes for the opposite party for governor the year after the presidential election. It’s been that way since 1971 I think. Nothing new here. Plus, I could also add the democratic candidate was simply awful…but I voted for him anyway.

I’ll be watching the actions of these republicans for the next four years and I’ll be calling them on everything they do wrong. And there will be plenty. It might not be nice to say, but their term in office is already a failure. I’m already looking forward to 2013 for the next election for governor!

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.