All Day Walk

Another day at Radford University. Today was the big day. There were activities all day for Homecoming. I started at 8:00 AM and pretty much walked ALL day. I didn’t get back to the hotel until 9:30 that evening. I ended up walking 10.94 miles!! The most EVER!! I was SO tired but I had a good time attending all the activities. Here’s another shot from the campus.

Campus Walk

Today I drove down to my college for Homecoming weekend. It’s also my 30th college reunion. I walked all over campus a few times today. I took a tour of the campus and did several things. I ended the day with 7.75 miles! It wasn’t done all at one time but over the whole day. That’s the most I’ve walked yet! I was tired this evening. I’m having a great time though! Here’s one shot from the campus.