One Last Snow

Everyone in the area thinks this will be our last snow. It snowed all day today. It started about 7:15 in the morning and didn’t end until about 8:00 this evening. The roads and sidewalks were too warm for anything to stick so I went to work on time. In the end we got about 3 inches of snow. Now the temperatures are dropping fast and it’s supposed to be really cold tomorrow with high winds. I do hope this is the last one. I’m ready for spring. I snapped a few pictures with my iPhone.
Before the snow started this morning, I filled the bird feeder at work. The birds came to the feeder right away and started eating. I didn’t have my big camera so I didn’t get any pictures. To help keep the squirrels away from the bird feeder I always put some seed on the windowsill. Sure enough a few minutes after I filled the bird feeder, the squirrels came to the windowsill to get some food. One sat there for a very long time munching on the seeds. I got really close with my iPhone and snapped a few pictures. It’s cute how he has his tail up over his body to keep the snow off. This was early in the morning so the snow hadn’t accumulated much.