Cold News Day

tempMan it was cold today! As you can see it was quite cold this morning. That is lowest temperature I can ever remember. I think it was this cold about 20 years ago but I just don’t remember. I was worried about my car starting this morning so I went out and tried starting it. It cranked over a little bit but started without issue. I was just going to run it long enough to make it warm but decided to run a few errands. By the time I got home the car was well warmed up. It’s supposed to get as cold again tonight but get a little warmer during the day tomorrow.

I was trying to click on an article on the Washington Post today to read about the cold weather and was denied access. I read articles on the post all the time. You are allowed to read 10 free articles per IP address before getting locked out. I was getting tired of getting locked out so I broke down and finally paid for an online subscription to the Washington Post. There was a time when I said I would never pay for online news, but I just go tired of clicking on links and not being able to read what I want to read when I want to read it. Now I can click away and read everything I’m interested in reading on the Post.