On The Way Home

Today we drove home from Charlottesville. On the way home we stopped at a winery we haven’t been to in 3 years. We met the owner again and this time he poured a wine for us that is part of a special tasting. We had a good time and bought some wine.

When I got home I walked 1.55 miles inside.

Day 192 of 365

The boyfriend and I traveled to the Northern Neck of Virginia to visit some wineries. Today we went to four wineries. We traveled over 200 miles and my trusty Honda Civic Hybrid got 49.8 miles per gallon. I’ve gone 378 miles on this tank of gas and still have 1/4 of a tank left. That’s pretty good millage!

Tomorrow we’ll be visiting with my friend Bob and going to a few wineries with him and his wife, Jackie. I’m sure we’ll have a great time and take lots of pictures. I’d post more pictures now but I forgot to bring the cord that hooks my camera up to my computer to download the pictures. This one is of the boyfriend relaxing in bed at the hotel. I had to use the iSight camera on my laptop to capture this one.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.