Snow Photos

Here are a few photos from our walk around to see the snow. You can see the boyfriend standing next to the untouched snow. That is 23 inches deep. My area officially measured 25 inches. This stuff is going to be around awhile and it’s going to snow again on Tuesday night. They are expecting 3 to 6 inches. Yikes!

This is the street in front of my building. I’ve never seen it completely covered with packed down snow. People are driving on it though.

Doesn’t the snow look pretty in the trees with the blue sky?

Here’s my car completely covered. The wind cleared the window for me.

Day 354 of 365

Well, maybe not. But this is a big one. Maybe one of the three biggest DC has seen in history.

You can see the snow is just piling up more and more. I think we are close to 8 inches right now. We are supposed to get as much as 24 inches. Maybe I won’t have to work next week at all! That would be nice. We might even have a white Christmas with what’s left on the ground by then.

I’ll probably post a few times during this storm. Maybe some outside pictures too!

Day 286 of 365

We are home from our mini vacation to Charlottesville. We had a nice time visiting with my dad and visiting several wineries. We bought two cases of wine and put another 300 or so miles on the car. We’ll be taking a few weeks off from visiting wineries to relax.

It’s kinda chilly here. I wore shorts today but should probably have pants on. The heat has been turned on in my building. I hope we don’t have any hot days now. I’ll roast with the heat and a hot day. Looks like it will be cool for the rest of the week. That’s good. Oh, Happy Columbus Day!

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.