
Here’s what the vineyard looks like at Gray Ghost right now. It has really taken off with the warm weather. Yesterday we went with the boyfriend’s parents and I snapped a few pictures. Here’s one.


The boyfriend and I arrived home this afternoon. We traveled about 500 miles and brought home three cases of wine. We had a nice visit with my dad and all his cats. He now has 5 stray cats that stay in his house each night. During the day they go outside (except for one). Anyway, we’re home.

Here’s a picture I took today at the last winery we visited. It looks as though I was drunk taking the picture but I assure you I was not. I simply moved the camera as the flash was going off. Oh well. Kinda cool looking anyway.

Day 354 of 365

Well, maybe not. But this is a big one. Maybe one of the three biggest DC has seen in history.

You can see the snow is just piling up more and more. I think we are close to 8 inches right now. We are supposed to get as much as 24 inches. Maybe I won’t have to work next week at all! That would be nice. We might even have a white Christmas with what’s left on the ground by then.

I’ll probably post a few times during this storm. Maybe some outside pictures too!

Day 325 of 365

At the boyfriend’s this weekend. We just got back from Pearson’s. We tasted some 2009 Beaujolais’. It’s Beaujolais season you know. I decided on a case of the Georges Duboeuf 2009. I got a case of this one last year and really liked it. This year it’s even better. This is a simply red wine that makes a good sipper and easy to drink for all levels of wine drinkers. Beaujolais’ are only around for the winter months so get them when you can and enjoy them in the winter months. The boyfriend and I will be enjoying my case through the winter.

This weekend we are just relaxing before the holiday week next week. The boyfriend’s parents are coming in town on Sunday so he’ll be busy entertaining them next week.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.