Pretty Bird

Yesterday the boyfriend and I went to a few wineries with the boyfriend’s sister, her husband, and their son. At one winery they had this bird feeder right outside the window. Lots of pretty birds were stopping to eat the bird seed. I saw this cardinal and wondered if that meant spring would soon be here. With all the snow on the ground that may not be true. Either way, the birds were beautiful and I loved seeing them getting something to eat.

Day 325 of 365

At the boyfriend’s this weekend. We just got back from Pearson’s. We tasted some 2009 Beaujolais’. It’s Beaujolais season you know. I decided on a case of the Georges Duboeuf 2009. I got a case of this one last year and really liked it. This year it’s even better. This is a simply red wine that makes a good sipper and easy to drink for all levels of wine drinkers. Beaujolais’ are only around for the winter months so get them when you can and enjoy them in the winter months. The boyfriend and I will be enjoying my case through the winter.

This weekend we are just relaxing before the holiday week next week. The boyfriend’s parents are coming in town on Sunday so he’ll be busy entertaining them next week.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Day 319 of 365

The boyfriend and I had a dinner party at his place tonight. We had six friends over. We had a great time chatting and catching up. And of course the food was wonderful…accompanied by some wonderful wines.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Day 318 of 365

At the boyfriend’s for the weekend. Enjoying some wine and nice healthy fish and rice dinner. We’re having a dinner party tomorrow night. Mark and Shane will be here, among others. Should be fun!

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Day 286 of 365

We are home from our mini vacation to Charlottesville. We had a nice time visiting with my dad and visiting several wineries. We bought two cases of wine and put another 300 or so miles on the car. We’ll be taking a few weeks off from visiting wineries to relax.

It’s kinda chilly here. I wore shorts today but should probably have pants on. The heat has been turned on in my building. I hope we don’t have any hot days now. I’ll roast with the heat and a hot day. Looks like it will be cool for the rest of the week. That’s good. Oh, Happy Columbus Day!

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.