Winery Visits

Today we joined our wine friends Kurt and Carol and went to two wineries out in the country. It was a good 1 ½ hour drive. We visited two wineries and went out to lunch. Then we came home. We had a good time. It’s always fun hanging out with them and talking wine and catching up.

When we got home we went out to dinner because we were tired and didn’t feel like cooking.

I didn’t do any workout app today but the overall walking was 1.58 miles. Not good.

Funny Hat

This evening we went to Wolf Trap to see Bruce Hornsby. It was SO hot!!! The hottest concert we’ve had yet this summer. I was miserable. While we waited for the sun to go down, I wore this hat. It’s supposed to be used for rain but I used it to block to sun from burning my neck and heating up my head. It worked but people on social media made fun of me. No biggie. I like the attention. ha ha The concert was pretty good but we left before the very end.

I only walked 1 mile indoors today.

Lunch with Tracy

Today I met my friend Tracy at Two Amys for lunch. We loved the pizza! It was so good. I could eat pizza everyday…until I die. hahaha

While I waited for her to arrive I took some pictures of the flowers outside. I thought this was a nice photo.

I walked 1.13 miles indoors today.

Walking With Sean

Today I met my friend Sean down on the mall. We walked 2 miles. I turned off the workout app when we got to 2 miles but I ended up walking a total of 5.21 miles today. It was a good day for exercise and it was a good to catch up with Sean. We would have walked farther but it started to rain.

MoTown The Musical

This evening we went to Wolf Trap to see MoTown the Musical. Of course we loved it and enjoyed all the music. We’ve seen it before at the National Theatre. It wasn’t as good as that show but it was still good. We had a good time.

I walked a total of 2.56 miles today.