New Bird Count

I didn’t finish the year with many birds in 2019. I only photographed 28 birds. That’s one of my lowest counts. Last year was a busy year with things going on. This year I’m determined to get out there and get lots of bird pictures.

I started today with a new count and photographed two birds to start.

#2 Red-bellied Woodpecker

#1 Mourning Dove

New Birds

This morning I went to Huntley Meadows Park in Alexandria to look for some new birds. The water level was really low. I guess we need rain. There weren’t very many birds flying around. Most of the ones I saw, I’ve already photographed. However, I did find two new birds that I haven’t photographed yet this year. They are:

#28 Snowy Egret

#27 Solitary Sandpiper

When I got home I made myself I delicious grilled cheese sandwich. I love grilled cheese sandwiches.

Back To Birding

I know I have posted for a month but life gets in the way in seems. This morning I went bird watching. I heard a lot of birds and saw a good number but only found these new ones. At least I’m adding to the count.

#26 Eastern Towhee

#25 Great-Tailed Grackle

More Birds

I went bird watching today and added four new birds to my list. This brings me up to 16 birds. The birds I saw today are:

#16 Hairy Woodpecker

#15 Brown Creeper

#14 Carolina Chickadee

#13 Carolina Wren

I walked a total of 3.65 miles with 2.03 miles on the treadmill.