Happy Thanksgiving

My husband’s parents are in town for a while. Today we celebrated Thanksgiving. We had both chicken and turkey breast. It was delicious as usual. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too!

I walked a total of 1.45 miles today. I should have walked more considering how much I ate today.

Skyline Drive

Today we started a little 2 day Skyline Drive and winery tour. We started off at Glen Manor winery. Then we drove on the Skyline Drive down to Sperryville Virginia. Then we went to Gadino Winery. Then we checked in at the hotel. For dinner we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Claire’s At The Depot. Here’s a picture of my husband while on the Skyline Drive. I think it’s a really good picture of him!

My father is going home from the hospital today. He’s been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, undiagnosed lung cancer and debilitating arthritis in his knees. He’s in some pretty big pain. My sister had to contact hospice today because turns out my father doesn’t have much longer to live. I’ll be driving down to Charlottesville on Sunday.

Today I walked a total of 2.13 miles.

Halloween Party

Tonight we had our annual Halloween Party. We had lots of guests, food and wine. As usual it was very successful. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the food and wine. Here are some pictures from the party. You can see how I carved the pumpkin too.

I walked a total of 4.64 miles today.

Wine Event

This evening we went to a wine event in downtown DC. We joined other wine writers for a Harvest Party. We tasted Virginia wines and enjoyed a 5 course meal from a local restaurant in Virginia. It was a wonderful evening.

I walked a total of 2.34 miles today.

Winery Visits

Today we spent the day with the Dails. We had just had them over last night for dinner but wanted to visit some wineries with them today. We went to two wineries and had a great time tasting wines and hanging out. The weather was pretty nice too. Here’s a shot from Linden Vineyards. After the wineries we met up in DC and went to Two Amys for dinner. Love that place!

I walked a total of 3.17 miles today.