Day 239 of 365

So sad to hear about Ted Kennedy dying last night. I heard about it first thing this morning. So sad because we really need his vote in the senate on healthcare. Too bad he didn’t live long enough to see that pass.

On another note, I saw this picture on and was totally distracted by all the products all over his bathroom. Looks like he just dyed his hair and uses all kinds of hair product. Probably to cover up the dandruff….see the Head and Shoulders in the shower? He’s also got a hair straightener too! I wonder what his head looks like. I think I might have cleaned up my bathroom a bit before taking the photo.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the pictures that go with this post.

Day 228 of 365

Just finished watching a documentary on The History Channel about the Ku Klux Klan. It was quite amazing and scary. I couldn’t help seeing though that the republican party has many similarities. Now, I’m not saying the republican party is the Ku Klux Klan, I’m just saying that they have many of the same prejudices as the Klan. I would bet though that some of the republicans, especially the old white males, had an association with the Klan at one time in their past.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Day 221 of 365

9:30 seems too early to get up when you’ve been off all summer and lazy. But I’m going to have to get back into the swing of things because I only have about two weeks left before things ramp up for a new school year.

Plus, we stayed up a little later last night contemplating the organized mob mentality of the republicans against health care reform. Idiots. Don’t they realize we know what their doing and we’re not going to take their shit or their fear mongering anymore?

Anyway, the boyfriend is eating cereal before making me a wonderful breakfast, I’m sure. Day 221 of 365.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Day 206 of 365

I am so tired of hearing the crap from the “birthers” about Obama not being an American citizen. These people are nuts. How stupid can they be? What’s worse is the press that keeps this story going by having people like Gorden Liddy on talking up the issue as if it’s real. I’m so tempted to stop watching the news all together. Why do these wing nuts get air time? Can’t people “see” how stupid this is?

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Day 197 of 365

So I’m watching the Sotomayor confirmation hearings on PBS (I know, boring, but I’m interested) and Senator Coburn was drilling her about the 2nd Amendment trying to get her to say that individuals have the right to bare arms. During his questioning and her answering at one point he said, “You’ve got some ‘splaining to do!” I can not believe he said that! Am I crazy or was that statement blatantly racist? What a dick!

I think she’s doing a great job answering the questions but I think the republicans are being over dramatic with their questions. They know she’s going to be confirmed. Why don’t they just throw in the towel and ask her what her favorite color is.

Here I am watching the hearings. This is day 197 of 365.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.