
I’m not a fan of the Simpsons and could really care less about the movie that’s coming out but I just had to find out what I would look like if I was Simpsonized. So here it is. This is me Simpsonized. I think they took out the fat because I used a recent picture of me that clearly shows me as a fat guy.

Goodbye Rosie

I am so saddened by the news that Rosie will be leaving the View in June. I think she has brought a change to the show and a voice that so many of us wish we had in the public eye. She says things I wish I could say to large numbers of people. I hope she gets her own show out of this and continues to voice opposition to the current administration. We need more honest talk like she provides everyday. I will miss her!

Next Season On Survivor

This was sent around my school today. I thought it was funny and thought anyone in education could relate to it:

Have you heard about the next planned “Survivor” show?

Three businessmen and three businesswomen will be dropped in an elementary school classroom for 6 weeks. Each business person will be provided with a copy of his/her school district's curriculum, and a class of 28 students.

Each class will have five learning-disabled children, three with A.D.D., one gifted child, and two who speak limited English. Three will be labeled with severe behavior problems.

Each business person must complete lesson plans at least 3 days in advance with annotations for curriculum objectives and modify, organize, or create materials accordingly. They will be required to teach students, handle misconduct, implement technology, document attendance, write referrals, correct homework, make bulletin boards, compute grades, complete report cards, document benchmarks, communicate with parents, and arrange parent conferences. They must also supervise recess and monitor the hallways.

In addition, they will complete fire drills, tornado drills, and [Code Red] drills for shooting attacks.

They must attend workshops, (180 hours), faculty meetings, union meetings, attend curriculum development meetings. They must also tutor those students who are behind and strive to get their 2 non-English speaking children proficient enough to take the SOLs. If they are sick or having a bad day they must not let it show.

Each day they must incorporate reading, writing, math, science, and social studies into the program. They must maintain discipline and provide an educationally stimulating environment at all times.

The business people will only have access to the golf course on the weekends, but on their new salary they will not be able to afford it anyway. There will be no access to vendors who want to take them out to lunch, and lunch will be limited to 30 minutes. On days when they do not have recess duty, the business people will be permitted to use the staff restroom as long as another survival candidate is supervising their class.

They will be provided with two 40-minute planning periods per week while their students are at specials.

If the copier is operable, they may make copies of necessary materials at this time. They cannot surpass their daily limit. The business people must continually advance their education on their own time.

The winner will be allowed to return to his or her job.

Christmas TV Shows

Seems like ABC has decided to bring back all the popluar Christmas shows from my childhood. Tonight “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” was on and I watched it of course. It brought back so many memories of being a kid and sitting in the “rec room” with the rest of the family with our eyes glued to the tube. Ah, such memories.

I've already seen “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and I'm sure “Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer” will be on soon with “Frosty The Snowman” soon behind. These are just the shows from my childhood. What I really enjoy watching as an adult are the Christmas movies that have begun playing on TCM. I'm sure in the weeks to come I'll be spending lots of time watching my favorites.