Just Cancel It

Why is it when you call a big company like Cox Communications to cancel a service they try to talk you into new services and offer you so much to stick with them? That drives me fuckin crazy.

I just wanted to cancel HBO and the movie tier from my cable service and they offered me 3 months of HBO for free and they wanted me to sign up for their phone service. I didn't want either! I finally had to tell the guy to just cancel it! I hate listening to their shpeal. No wonder I don't answer the phone anymore.

Have a great weekend.

Sunday Mornings

This weekend I was at the boyfriend’s house. Lately we’ve been very busy on Sunday mornings but today we were able to relax and not rush off to a winery or an event. The boyfriend made multi-grain pancakes and bacon. He also made a pot of coffee for himself (I don’t drink coffee). While I was doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen, this is what he was doing.

He really enjoys being able to enjoy his coffee while reading the Sunday paper. He reads it pretty much cover to cover. After doing the dishes, I watched the CBS Sunday Morning show. We had such a relaxing Sunday morning. Considering we both are back to work now, it was nice to enjoy one quiet relaxing morning. I don’t know how many of these we will have this academic year.

James Is Out

I’m so upset that James got voted out last night from Big Brother 7. I think he is adorable (and my boyfriend knows that) but I know James is a republican asshole. I can put that aside just to look at him. But that’s over. I won’t be watching him anymore on Big Brother 7. He now goes to the jury house. Aw…when so many get kicked out of the house I know the summer is ending….yet another sign like the last post.

Who will win BB7?

The End

I know the show has lost it’s touch over the last few years but Will and Grace will go down as one of the best gay shows on TV. Many may say that it wasn’t the best representatioin of gay life but considering that nothing else was on TV like it when it started, we have to give it credit for what’s it’s done for our community. The show has been popular for 8 years and tonight saw it’s last episode. I have the first 4 seasons on DVD and plan to get the rest as they are released. I will miss Will, Grace, Jack, and Karen.