Four Years Gone

Over the last few days my site was hacked on my hosting service side. I lost all my posts over the last four years. I have all the photos, podcasts, and videos but no posts or comments. I’m just sick about it. I had so many memories posted. And I could kick myself for not using the automatic backup turned on. I had it turned on on all my other sites but not this one. I might try to reconstruct some of my posts but it will take forever. So I guess I’ll start over and begin from today on.

Update! I had forgotten that back in December I had created a copy of my blog on my local computer. Thankfully I was able to just export the entire blog with comments and all and then import it back to my site. All is back to normal I think.


  1. Paul, I’m sorry to hear you were hacked. As a longtime follower of your blogs, I have always enjoyed your photography and point of view on current events and popular culture. So, yes we are still checking you out!
    Kind regards,

  2. So sorry to hear this. I’ve probably been with you almost the whole time. Although I don’t get to taste Virginia wines, I do love wine and love reading about your adventures. It so hard to believe that all that work and energy is gone.

    1. Thanks for the support Floyd. I didn’t know anyone was still checking out my blog anymore.I was able to get about a year’s worth of posts back. I will slowly post them when I have time. Thanks!

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