I’m Disappointed

I’m so disappointed in so many things. I’m disappointed with congress of course but more locally I’m disappointed with my state government. Today my governor proposed budget cuts amounting to $730 million to K-12 education. And major cuts to public health services for low-income families and people with mental disabilities. Yes, he’s a republican. Did he cut his own salary? No. He’s the fourth highest paid governor in the country. But we are #48 in the country in terms of funding medicaid at the state level. It’s embarrassing to be a Virginian right now.

On top of the cuts to education and health care, our general assembly has voted to allow Virginians to buy more than one gun in a 30 day period, allow guns in bars, allow guns on school property in cars and various other embarrassing bills. Our general assembly is retarded….and yes, in the Sarah Palin retarded way. Fuck that bitch too.

I’m not in a very good mood. I haven’t gotten a raise in two years and probably won’t get one again next year. With the proposed budget for education, I’ll have to pay more for my health care and more into the retirement system which means my take home pay next year will be less than it is this year. I can’t take many more cuts. I already refinanced my condo so that I could afford the mortgage payment. Of course that was right before they raised my condo fee. I don’t know what the math should be but I probably shouldn’t be paying 50% of my monthly pay on housing.

Ugh…enough of the bitching. Why are teachers treated with so little respect in this country? I really need to win the lottery.


  1. In Arizona the Republicans are making a concerted effort to not fund education. Many of our State politicians are Mormon or Born Agains who view education with suspicion. They would prefer kids be home-schooled. Their response to the huge deficit is to cut taxes for the rich people, AGAIN. It is very disheartening.

  2. I feel your pain, honey. I too am not getting a raise, but at least your pension is not one of the worst in the country like mine.

    I’ve concluded that it’s our society that is dysfunctional rather than our government. We want better schools, but we don’t want to pay for them—after all, someone else’s children might benefit from our tax dime. Likewise with healthcare—we have the most expensive and least efficient system in the western world, but we certainly don’t want to reform it if it means someone else might benefit from a “socialist” system. In the end, nothing changes and we are all the worse for it.

    You forgot to add that McDonnell removed gays and lesbians from anti-discrimination protections in Virginia. Oh well—I don’t guess the Founding Fathers would have wanted that to happen. I have a good idea! Let’s all go out and buy guns—lots of them! You never know when you’ll need to use more than ten guns a month—to hell with that fancy book learnin’. All we need are guns and Bibles.

  3. Precisely and exactly. I concur. Things are all screwed up right now — on many, many different levels. So many people are living on less income and their expenses are skyrocketing. Thinking of you….of all of us….. in these nutty times.

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