Oh. My. God.

So I went to DC tonight to meet K. for dinner and drinks and a chat. We went to, hell, I can't remember the name of the place but we had pizza and a few drinks. Then we went to DIK…Dupont Italian Kitchen bar for a few drinks. Then we went to JR's and I saw the most beautiful man there. K. kept tempting me to talk to him. So K. went to get us another round and he was gone for awhile and I got up enough nerve to talk to Mr. ATF from Chicago (as he will now be known). I can't believe I actually had the nerve or enough alcohol in my body to talk to a complete stranger. I've only done that one other time in my life. Damn, I am having to backspace a delete all my misspellings. Anyway, while K. is gone I strike up a conversation with Mr. ATF from Chicago and we really hit it off. He is GORGEOUS and very personable. He had been standing there next to K and I for quite a long time. Anyway, Mr. ATF is from Chicago here on business and is here until Friday. We talk for quite a long time with those little touches that gay men do and then K. comes back and I realize how rude I've been and I say I have to go. K. and I go to back to DIK and have a few more drinks and talk some more and he says he knows I want to go back to JRs and find Mr. ATF from Chicago. I say I do. Since I parked at K.'s house, he says he'll leave my keys under the garbage can and he will go home. I say my goodbyes and back I go to JR's. Sure enough Mr. ATF from Chicago is still there. I work my way through all the S&M (stand and model) guys and find Mr. ATF from Chicago. Turns out he sings in the Gay Men's Chorus in Chicago and knows two of the bloggers I check out regularly. They sing together in the chorus. So Mr. ATF from Chicago and I stand there and talk and sing show tunes for a good long time. Did I mention that he's GORGEOUS? He gets me a drink, we sing some more, we touch some more, I am totally into him and then it happens. Another guy, MUCH better looking then I, starts giving him the eye. I get the signal. I'm not as stupid as some people think. Anyway, Mr. ATF and I sing some more and then I decide I need to cut out because Mr. Stand and Model is really giving him the eye and now he is actually accepting it. So I say I have to leave and Mr. ATF from Chicago gives me his card and we hug and I give him a light peck on the cheek and say it was great hanging out with him. I leave. I am very drunk at this time and not sure I can make it back to K.'s house to get my keys and leave the city. I am actually worried about it. But I do the drunk walk to his house alone, find my keys, and safely drive home. Although, I was so drunk I should NOT have been on the road. God dammit! What the fuck is wrong with me? Man, I SOOOOO enjoyed the attention from Mr. ATF from Chicago. He was so fuckin hot. I would SOOOO do him. Ops..maybe I shouldn't be writing this while I'm still drunk. Fuck it. I don't give a shit. I had fun and for only the second time in my LIFE I actually approached someone I found attractive and talked to him. Damn, too bad Mr. Stand and Model got in the way. No big deal. At least I got out there and started approaching people. Thanks K.!!!!!

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