On The Market

My mother put her house on the market yesterday. In 24 hours of having it on the market she's had 8 people through her house and two contracts being written tonight. She is frantic and doesn't know what she's going to do. She wants to move to a condo but hasn't found one for sale that she likes. She thinks she won't have any place to live once the house sells. I told her things would move very quickly once she put it on the market. I suggested she go ahead and sell her house, move in with my sister, and take her time finding a place she likes. She's going to pay cash for her condo so it's not like she has to move quickly if she's not ready. But the condo market in Northern Virginia is so red hot right now it's very hard to find one that doesn't already have a contract on it or is what she's looking for. I live in a two high rise complex and there is nothing for sale in our complex. Condos here sell in 24 hours and usually for higher then the asking price. When I think what I could sell my condo for considering what I paid for it, it makes me sick. Of course if I were to sell my place, I wouldn't be able to buy anything. Even thought I'd make an unbelievable profit on my place, it wouldn't be enough to buy something in this area that I could afford. So I won't be moving anytime soon. Then again, it's not me I'm thinking about. It's my mom. I think she's stressing out about how fast this is moving. I've talked to her 3 times on the phone today and she's been frazzled each time. I tried to assure her that it would all work out and she wouldn't have any problems. But as I've learned, she has to come to that conclusion on her own. She hasn't had too much emotional stress about selling her house though. She's lived there for 39 years. I've been trying to get her to move for a few years but some of my brothers and sisters don't want her to move. She needs to move though. The yard work, the up keep, it's just too much for a 72 year old woman. She has a lawn service and has no problem calling to have things serviced but if she was in a condo where most of that would be taken care for her, it would be much better for her. I'm sure I'll talk to her one more time before I go to bed. I talked to her just a few minutes before sitting down to write this and she was waiting for yet another real estate agent to bring some prospective buyers to see the house. If she's really lucky all the contracts will get into a bidding war and she'll get way more then the asking price. We'll see! I'll keep ya posted.

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