Pretty Bird

Yesterday the boyfriend and I went to a few wineries with the boyfriend’s sister, her husband, and their son. At one winery they had this bird feeder right outside the window. Lots of pretty birds were stopping to eat the bird seed. I saw this cardinal and wondered if that meant spring would soon be here. With all the snow on the ground that may not be true. Either way, the birds were beautiful and I loved seeing them getting something to eat.

Snow Photos

Here are a few photos from our walk around to see the snow. You can see the boyfriend standing next to the untouched snow. That is 23 inches deep. My area officially measured 25 inches. This stuff is going to be around awhile and it’s going to snow again on Tuesday night. They are expecting 3 to 6 inches. Yikes!

This is the street in front of my building. I’ve never seen it completely covered with packed down snow. People are driving on it though.

Doesn’t the snow look pretty in the trees with the blue sky?

Here’s my car completely covered. The wind cleared the window for me.