Day 254 of 365

Does this picture make me look like an inbred republican congressman from South Carolina?

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

I am absolutely flabbergasted at the behavior of Rep. Joe Wilson from South Carolina at President Obama’s speech last night. I know you’ve heard all about it and that he quickly apologized last night. Earlier today he kind of backed away from his apology and said again that Obama was wrong about the healthcare plan and immigrants. And of course that’s not true. Neither of the current plans working their way through congress would grant healthcare to illegal immigrants.

Besides that though, isn’t it sad that our congress is starting to look and sound like those in third world countries that yell at each other, punch each other, throw things at each other… know the ones I’m talking about. You’ve seen the videos before from places in Asia where they can’t get along so they physically attack each other. Is this what our country will become? It’s so sad! We have lost all respect for the office of the President. I never liked George Bush but I at least respected the office. I’m really going to have to stop following politics. It’s not good for my blood pressure.

Day 228 of 365

Just finished watching a documentary on The History Channel about the Ku Klux Klan. It was quite amazing and scary. I couldn’t help seeing though that the republican party has many similarities. Now, I’m not saying the republican party is the Ku Klux Klan, I’m just saying that they have many of the same prejudices as the Klan. I would bet though that some of the republicans, especially the old white males, had an association with the Klan at one time in their past.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Day 197 of 365

So I’m watching the Sotomayor confirmation hearings on PBS (I know, boring, but I’m interested) and Senator Coburn was drilling her about the 2nd Amendment trying to get her to say that individuals have the right to bare arms. During his questioning and her answering at one point he said, “You’ve got some ‘splaining to do!” I can not believe he said that! Am I crazy or was that statement blatantly racist? What a dick!

I think she’s doing a great job answering the questions but I think the republicans are being over dramatic with their questions. They know she’s going to be confirmed. Why don’t they just throw in the towel and ask her what her favorite color is.

Here I am watching the hearings. This is day 197 of 365.

In the process of moving the blog to a new web hosting service, I lost the picture that goes with this post.

Tax Exempt

If a church or religious organization participates in trying to change public policy shouldn’t they lose their tax exempt status? Shouldn’t the IRS crack down on the religious groups that opening campaigned against Prop 8?

Photo by David McNew-Getty Images