Thanksgiving With David

I had a nice phone call from Homer yesterday morning. It's always fun to chat with Homer. And it was so sweet of him to call me on Thanksgiving. Then I talked to David on the phone and he told me the turkey was still thawing. I was a little worried. It was really windy yesterday and about 30 minutes before I was going to go to David's, my power went out. So I called David and said I was on my way over because my power was out.

When I got to his place the turkey was already cooking and smelled great. This was a day of firsts. This was the first time David cooked a turkey, and the first time I cooked mashes potatoes…well anything for that matter. Once I saw the turkey was on track I started peeling my potatoes. Then I cut them into little squares and dropped them into a pot of water. I then cut the cranberry sauce into slices and arranged it nicely on a plate. David began his stuffing. I think he made enough stuffing for an entire homeless shelter. I don't even eat stuffing. But I will admit it smelled good. Earlier in the day David made a pumpkin pie. That boy can cook! When the turkey was done, David put the stuffing in. Right before the stuffing was to finish I worked on the potatoes. I put an entire stick of butter in the bowl and just a splash of milk. I used his beaters to whip them up. I can't believe it. They were perfect. David also made rolls from scratch. He put them in the oven just a few minutes before everything was done. We set the table and began putting out the food. The rolls finished just in time. We sat down and filled our plates. Everything was perfect. There wasn't one thing that was over done, under done, or anything. David's turkey was delicious! My potatoes were perfect too! We both kinda thought we should have had dates there or friends to impress with such a great meal. It couldn't have been tastier.

After the meal we cleaned up a what would fit in the dishwasher and then went downstairs to David's home theater to watch some movies. We watched the third Harry Potter movie. It was pretty good. You could tell it was a different director. After that we had some dessert and then we watched Stepford Wives. By the end of that movie David had fallen asleep. It was time for me to go. I gathered up my things and came on home.

David and I had a great time. We created a delicious meal. We watched some great movies and enjoyed our day. I'm thankful to have David as my friend. I've known him for 12 years now. I'm sure we'll be friends for life.

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